Thirty Two - Trinette

Start from the beginning

I realised it was Milo when his tell-tale scent filled my nose. He wasn't wearing his normal man-perfume today, but it didn't bother me. His natural smell was perfect.

"Shhh, calmati. I'm here" he rubbed my arms up and down before His head fell into the crook of my neck and he breathed in like the absolute weirdo he is, which surprisingly calmed me much more than I'd expect.

(Calm down)

"I've got to get back home" Ginevra mumbled and Milo looked to her.

"I'll text Eleni our address. Come round for dinner tomorrow - when you're rested enough." My lovely, handsome man smiled warmly. she nodded before Eleni started the car and drove off.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." He smiled as he held his hand around my waist, allowing me to lean into his body as we walked back to the car

"She says...she said she was my mum." I told Milo as he did my seatbelt up.

"Mhm, Eleni was talking to me whilst we let you two talk. How do you feel."

"It's a lot to take in. My da- William rarely spoke about her. And when he did it was never kindly. I wasn't expecting to ever get to meet her... She's not what I was brought up to believe." I decided, trying to keep my voice even

"She seems lovely. She kept me company whilst you were getting tested, she gave birth earlier this month you know? A little girl - Luna. Who is her first daughter since you. She showed me photos" Milo smiled as I realised we were driving, and had been for a short while now.

Hang on...

"What does that mean for me? Does she have other kids?" I asked, anxious. Maybe she would decide she was happy with her daughter and didn't want to see me ever again

"It doesn't mean anything other than you being an older sister. She was showing me photos of the kids when we were waiting, and they seem like a lovely bunch. There's like...ten kids in total which is a hell of a lot. Two sets of identical twins and one set of triplets in there. The oldest is around eighteen and the youngest is less than a month old. Ginevra and Eleni both wanted a big family - and both come from large ones too" He reassured me before telling me about them. Buzzes of excitement flowed through me. I'd always seen the happy families whilst out, or the siblings throwing playful remarks at each other whilst walking - they looked like they were having so much fun.

Yet it was something I'd missed out on. I'd come to accept that I'd never have a brother or sister and pushed down the want for one. But now I have not one, but ten.


"How old is....uhm-" I struggled with her name. What do I call her? Ginevra? Mum?

"She's just hit her fortieth birthday."

I'm twenty three...

"Oh" I mumbled before turning the radio up and watching as we drove in silence.

Eventually we got back to the house and just before we went in I stopped

"Milo?" I said as I caught his attention


"They did a pregnancy test while I was there in addition to the STI tests. Just to be safe." I noted his tense posture as I continued to talk. "It was negative. But I just wanted to tell you" I finished my sentence and he just held me close to him.

He wasn't letting go when I tried to escape his grasp after a short while. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down but the feeling of being trapped was terrifying. His scent was comforting, but not comforting enough.

"Milo, please" I managed to whimper as I placed my hands on his chest to gently push him back a bit.

He instantly let go and apologised, opening the door for me. I headed into the silent house, greeted by the pups and some decorations.

"Why?" I asked as I looked at the house. The sun was rising, hinting that it was nearing eight am.

"New year's is tonight. We usually throw a party or go out. Our men wanted to stay here this year" he spoke as he took off his shoes. I'd completely forgot about new year's. And then it registered.

Our men

My heart bloomed. They still considered me theirs. I remember they had inferred it a few times, but this was the first time he'd mentioned it casually. That we were all together. As a unit. Even after he knew I needed to get tested, he still wanted me.

"Go up to bed, I'll join everyone soon" he told me and I looked to him, I knew the guys shared a bed - but I didn't know if I was ready to share with all of them at once.

"You don't have to, we won't force you - It's just if you want to" he added, and I nodded him. Thanking him as I went up the stairs and saw all of the guys sleeping in the same bed and cuddled onto one another. It was sweet, and I smiled softly as I went to the large walk in wardrobe and grabbed the first shirt I found.

I had a quick shower, before getting into the shirt and then into the massive bed.

It wasn't long until James and Liam pulled me into their arms and I was drifting off to sleep.

Posted: 05.02.24

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