Chapter 3: Whispers of Magic

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"Oh, then I can see why they assign you here." Hoseok said after another laugh. "You must be really important and good at your job."

"What are you implying?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes. "Is there something I should know about the center?"

"I think you will soon see by yourself everything you want to see." Hoseok shrugged it off. "I don't want to spoil your fun."

Jungkook didn't like the way the other man said it was fun. He said it with the tone that he was going to have so much fun at the hunting house at the amusement park. Was the center really hunted? Were the rumors of the village true?

"I heard something at the village."

Jungkook decided to casually mention it. But Hoseok once again only laughed. Jungkook thought if there was something other than laughing that Hoseok could do. He almost guessed he might be some sort of happy spirit.

"Really, did they warn you to beware of ghosts?" Hoseok asked like it was a huge joke. Maybe. "Or did they say Mini is a witch?"

"Mini?" Jungkook crooked and raised an eyebrow.

"I mean Jimini." Hoseok once again laughed. "I don't know why they always think he is a witch after all. I mean, why witch?"

"Is he?"

Jungkook asked, trying to appear casual. But inside, he was really curious. From the moment he heard about the witch scene, he was really curious about this master of the center.

"Don't you know?" Hoseok arched his eyebrow in a serious manner. "I thought you had already read our files."

Jungkook cursed nth time for his carelessness. But then he recalled that there wasn't much about this master in his files. So, even though he had read, nothing could be changed. Then there was something else that caught his attention.

It was Hoseok. Well, there wasn't anything much different about him. But he was able to notice some little changes. It wasn't something that big. He could see that suddenly there was a little layer of gold sunshine gathered around him. He also most neglected it, thinking it was some reflection of sunshine. Then he noticed how the light glow was emitting from his skin. And as they got nearer the island, the glow seemed to be brightened.

Then it all clicked into place. Deep, warm honey eyes. Radiant glow. The strength. The shiny appearance and the way he carried himself.

"You're a deity." Jungkook buttered out. His eyes widened with surprise. "Island deity."

Hoseok's whole expression suddenly turned into something serious with those words, as something flashed between his eyes even underneath the sunglasses. He stared at Jungkook for a while as he was younger and also held his glance. But then he once again fell into a pit of laughter.

"It seems AMB really picked up someone capable this time. Interesting." It seemed like Hoseok was talking to himself more than to Jungkook. But then he turned to face him. "How did you figure it out?"

"Glow." Jungkook answered, still in wonder. This was the first time he had ever met a deity. One of the most powerful and ancient magical beings in the world. "There was a glow around you. It seemed to be increasing as we got closer to the island. Like it is calling for you."

"You have a good eye." Hoseok said with an amusing glint. "Let's hope you can use that for better things. Who knows, the most unexpected things can bring amusing wonders."

Jungkook wanted to ask what he had meant. But before he could, Seo Yeong announced they were getting closer. Then Jungkook guided Bam back to the car before climbing into the passenger seat along the side of Hoseok.

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