She apologized for being late and the teacher welcomed them in. She was dressed in blue kurta with white legging. Her hair loosely tied up into a ponytail and her sparkly earrings danced to her beats.

There was a certain magic in the calmness of a blue aesthetic.

Arnav introduced himself - "Hi everyone, My name is Arnav and I'm doctor and I treat heart. Does anyone know where the heart is?" and he watched kids place their hand over their chest, finding their heart.

Slightly pulling Tara in front of me, he continued - "This is my favourite niece. Tara"

The kids chorused and said - "Hi Taraaaa"

After Arnav's turn, it was that lady's turn and just like Arnav, she came alone with her son. Arnav wonder where her husband is, missing out a fun day with his son. Perhaps he's busy. Who is he to judge since Arnav came for his niece?

"Hi everyone, My name is Khushi Gupta. I am doctor and I work in the ER."

One of the kids asked - "You do give injections, aunty ?" earning a couple of laughs from the crowd.

Khushi replied, in a baby tone - "If you are a bad boy, I will give injections. This is my son, Aarav ."

Aarav waved his hand, shyly hiding himself behind Khushi's legs.

The teacher said that it was time for Aarav to introduce himself.

Aarav smiled at everyone and I could see the resemblance between him and Khushi.

Aarav - "Hiii, My name is Aarav. I am 3 years old. I live with my mom and I love her very much." and proceeded to hug Khushi's legs, earning a couple of 'awws' from the audience.

One of the dads asked - "Tell us about your dad."

Aarav looked at Khushi and she nodded, promptly him to speak further - "My dad is in heaven. " making the atmosphere suddenly turn somber and little heavy.

Aarav added - "He fought a battle with blood cancer and lost the war, even though I gave him my sword." earning a couple of giggles from the kids and tugging more heartstrings from the adults.

Arnav watched Khushi fidgeting with her wedding ring on her finger, feeling slightly nervous. The blue topaz brought out her chocolate brown eyes and he watched her trying to stop her tears and stay brave in front of her son.

Guess she hasn't yet gotten herself adjusted to life after the death of her husband and uses the ring as a way to cope

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Guess she hasn't yet gotten herself adjusted to life after the death of her husband and uses the ring as a way to cope. Just like him, as he stared at his engagement band.A simple platinum band that Sheetal gave him on the day of their engagement, almost 5 years ago.

Everyone had fun and the parents joined their kids for fun activities. As the day ended, Khushi walked with Aarav, holding his hand. Aarav smiled at her. Guess he liked his new school and she was glad about it. Back home, her two best good boys - Aarav and their Labrador - Pluto. Her brother had gifted her - a puppy a few months after Rahul passed away, hoping that it would take her mind off grief and he was successful slightly.

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