Chapter 5: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together

Start from the beginning

He points to an old man with glasses covering his cards

Scratch: One of his cards is a napkin.

Darryl: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm all in.

He pushes a stack of candy forward as his bet

Molly and Nightwolf POV

We move on to the other side of the room where Molly and Nightwolf are seen talking to woman

Molly: Wow, Patty. You've lived in Brighton your whole life? My family and We just moved to town.

Patty: Hmm. Well, we all make mistakes. Mine was Bobby Daniel, and he rode a motorcycle.

[Motorcycle revs]

Patty: Hmm-mm-mm...

They moves aside

Nightwolf: Uh, that's, um...

Scratch: Hey, I think that guy with the napkin is cheating.

Molly: You mean he's also cheating?

Scratch: I was looking for sympathy, not judgement.

They looking at a photo

Nightwolf: Patty, is that you? What is this place?

Patty: Oh, the old Brighton Bandshell. We used to have concerts on that park. Everyone would bring a picnic and dance to the music. Anyway, a tornado tore down the whole bandshell in '79.

Molly: That's terrible!

Scratch: Oh my gosh, that's awesome!

They stare at each other

Scratch: I mean, tornadoes are awesome, not, uh, it's not awesome that her special place was-

Molly: Uh-huh.

Scratch: -you know, ruined.

Molly: You're getting there...

He leaving the scene

Scratch: But to be honest, I don't feel too bad about it 'cause I'm not really invested in this woman. I'm not even sure who they are.

Nightwolf: Why didn't the city rebuild it?

Patty: "Not a priority", they said. Brighton isn't what it used to be.

Molly: Scratch, We know what we need to do next!

He comes back with a pizza in hand

Scratch: I'm really hoping it's order a pizza, with pineapple this time! But I really fear that it's gonna be something about putting the bandshell...

They excitedly hugs him

Nightwolf: Yes, you get us!

Scratch: Oh, I get you alright! I get you 24/7!

The new scene starts with Pete at the City Council, taking all the suggestions from the nursing home there

Pete: And finally, the citizen proposes charging for... green lights. Not exactly sure how we'd even do that...

Mayor Brunson: We'll take all that under advisement, McGee. Well, I have a hot date with a cool lady. See what I did...So, if there's no further business, this meeting is adjour--

They kicks the door open

Molly: Mr. Mayor, I've got business so further, it'll melt your mind!

They enter the room while carrying a project

The Ghost and Molly and Nightwolf McGee Season 1Where stories live. Discover now