The IKEA Maiden

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One day while taking an earthly stroll, Zeus, god of the sky, wandered into an IKEA. He was trying to cheat on his wife again, as usual. People were looking at him funny, as he strolled through the aisles, not very well clothed. He didn't find anything interesting, but just as he was about to leave, he spotted her.

She was around 3ft tall, and was hot. Like, actually. She could heat up to 95 degrees farenheit (35 celsius). She was clean and sleek. Her name was Uddarp. At least, that's what the tag said. Uddarp was a washing machine; 85 (height) x 60 (width) x 58 (width). She could fit 7 kilograms of clothes inside her. And Zeus, well he wanted to be inside her. So he took her, and stuck his dick in her hole. 

Later On:

Zeus still hadn't returned Uddarp, they were gonna have a long night. So when the IKEA worker, Robert was walking through the store, he noticed that one of the display items was missing. He radioed in that there was a missing washing machine in aisle 37. He stood there for a while, contemplating out loud. 

"Who would've just stolen a display? They would've had to brute force it..." Luckily for Robert, someone had witnessed Zeus taking Uddarp. 

"Excuse me sir, but I think I should know where the fine lady went..." A small rat spoke up from a hole in the wall. "But I'll only tell you if you give me and my family some cheese." The rest of the rat's family slightly peeked their heads out of the hole. Robert wasn't that startled by talking rats in the walls; he'd seen weirder. Like when an Elon Musk cosplayer started to make out with the stuffed toys. Sighing, Robert pulled some cheese out of his shirt pocket and gave it to the rats. They squealed with joy, and all ran away, except for the original one. "Thank you, oh thank you! You have no idea how helpful this will be to my fam-"

"Can you just tell me where it is?"

"Ah yes, the fine maiden who was taken by a god. Zeus took her, presumably to fu-"

"Great. Thanks Wall-Rat..." And off Robert went to save Uddarp. 

End of Part 1. Tune in for Robert's amazing journey of saving a washing machine from a horny god.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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