The Fabulous Formal

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We hand the check in table our tickets and proceed ahead. Walking through is what you would expect to see at a high school formal dance. Everyone is dancing like crazy, it's dark but not too dark, tables of food and beverages with a little sitting/eating area, and some adults here and there to monitor behaviors. Not prom level, but still pretty nice!

I'm about to begin to look around for Danny, until there's a small tap on my shoulder.

"Boo." a familiar voice speaks behind me. I giggle.

"Oh, very funny D-" I say but my sentence is cut off glancing at him and Tucker next to him waving with one hand, and holding two small boxes in the other.

Danny is in a black tux, white collared shirt, and black tie with a white rose boutonniere. Tucker is in a dark grey tux white a white collared shirt, black tie, and the same boutonniere as Danny. They look like entirely different people!

"Wow, you guys look...amazing! Very handsome!

"I'll say. I didn't recognize you two. You clean up nice." Sam compliments.

"Thanks." Danny says scratching behind his neck bashfully. "You ladies look very pretty. Listen, I have something for you both."

Sam and I look at each other confused. What would that be? Tucker opens one of the boxes revealing a stunning white rose and galaxy orchid wrist corsage. It matches my dress! I knew then and there he got that for me.

"This is for you." Danny says taking my hand and sliding the flowers on my wrist.

"Oh my gosh Danny, that is so sweet! I love it! Thank you!" I beam. I love flowers and now we really do look like a date!

Tucker gives me the box then proceeds to open the other one

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Tucker gives me the box then proceeds to open the other one. Inside of that one was a black and red corsage. Wait a minute...that matches...!

"And this is for you Sam." Danny says grabbing Sam's hand and putting it on her wrist.

"Wh-what? For me? It's gorgeous, but why?" Sam says staring at it.

"I know you wanted to go with me, and you giving up your date to (Y/N) was very noble and kind of you. So I wanted to make you feel just as special. As promised, you have me for a few dances as well. (Y/N) told me your dress colors which helped a lot." He explains.

My heart melts and I nudge Sam playfully with my arm. Look at that! Now I understand why he wanted to know what she was wearing; he wanted to personalize it. I hug him. ucker snaps some pictures on our phones capturing the moment.

"Awwwww Danny! That's the sweetest thing ever!" I say admirably.

"It was nothing really."

"Thanks Danny...a lot." Sam says hugging him.

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