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((sign language))

Third POV

A black cameraman with the designation C17-JA painted on the side of their head walked quickly towards the labs of the hidden base. He quietly opened the door and looked around before spotting his target. Said target was a cameraman in a white lab coat with their back to C17-JA. He silently crept towards the scientist before slowly reaching for them. C17-JA struck quickly by placing his hands on the sides of the scientist. The scientist flinched and elbowed C17-JA in the side before leaning into him after a moment. ((I got you.)) C17-JA signed. ((Yes you did and I hope you never do it again.)) the scientist replied. C17-JA imitated laughter since he had no voice box to actually laugh. ((Please never do that again James, at least during the war. Once we win I'm fine with it.)) the scientist signed. ((I'll try Alan.)) James replied.

The two cameramen stayed close to each other until James was called away for a mission. He waved towards Alan, who returned the gesture, before quickly making his way towards the front of the base. There were other variants of Alliance agents waiting for others to arrive. James quickly joined a small group of cameramen while he waited for everyone else. After a few minutes they all got into various vehicles to get to the mission zone.

The drive was mostly quiet with the occasional explosion in the distance. After a moment the vehicles stopped and all the agents rushed out into the fray. James quickly circled around and flushed any small toilets that he could see. It was only a handful of toilets, nothing too much for them to handle. The battle ended quickly with another win for the Alliance.

Or so they thought...

The moment the battle was over all the agents turned as they heard a familiar mechanical roar. Many began to flee as the sound of a jetpack filled their audio receptors. The infected Titan Speakerman quickly flew down before tearing into any agents nearby. James quickly hid in a nearby alleyway and grabbed a random speakerman that ran in front of the alley. James held up a finger to signal the speakerman to be quiet in hopes of not alerting the infected Titan Speakerman.

The area went quiet after a few minutes and James signaled for the speakerman to stay hidden in the alley. The speakerman nodded and James slowly peeked his head around the corner. The street was now littered with bodies and a bright blue substance leaked from the corpses. James quietly sighed to himself before stepping out into the open. He didn't hear a jetpack before it went quiet meaning the Titan Speakerman probably left the area by foot. 'He can be really quiet when he wants to be...' James thought to himself. He quickly walked into the middle of the street to gather what parts he could to bring back to the hidden base. As he looked around he remained completely oblivious to the infected titan that rested on a building not too far from where the battle had occurred. The titan silently observed James as he scrounged for parts before they released a roar. James quickly looked up and was met with a large foot colliding with his body.

He went airborne for a few moments before he hit a large building. James fell to the ground before slowly attempting to lift himself up. The Titan Speakerman walked over before slamming its foot onto James's legs. James would've cried out in pain if he had a voice box but all he could do was clench his fists as pain sparked throughout his body. The Titan Speakerman only made the pain worse as he moved his foot a little which tore James's legs from his body. The speakerman could only watch from the alley as the titan brought his leg back before kicking James again. It was quiet for a moment before the speakerman heard a thud, meaning James had collided with something yet again. The Titan Speakerman went still before activating his jetpack and flying away from the area.

The speakerman waited for a moment before running in the direction that James had gone. He slowed down when he heard the skibidis song coming from that direction. He silently crept forward while remaining hidden until he could see what was happening. There were at least a dozen Skibidis around James's body and one stuck out to the speakerman. It was a medium sized toilet with a black coloration. They seemed older than the rest and a pair of glasses rested on their face. The speakerman watched as a claw on top of the strange toilet reached for James. It picked him up by the head and he dangled in the air before the claw crushed the front of James's head. James went limp in the toilet's grip before the toilet spoke to the others in its strange language.

The other toilets made sounds of agreement or triumph as the toilet moved away with James's body still in its grip. The speakerman watched for a moment longer before running back to where the battle had occurred. He quickly looked around in hopes of finding a mode of transportation or another Alliance agent who was still functioning. He found neither and quickly sent an S.O.S. to the hidden base. All he could do now was wait for someone to arrive to help.

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