The one she assumed was the leader began to stalk towards her.

She took a deep breath, inhaling as much as she could, threw her head back and let out the loudest scream she could.

The men flinched at the sheer volume of it. Hopefully, her mate was close enough to pick it up. She knew he could hear up to two miles on a clear day.

The leader knelt before her as her scream trailed off into the air. Her head still tilted back. She heaved for breath, slowly looking down to face the man. He raised his hand, and her breath froze in her lungs.

He was holding a knife made from bone. Her eyes crossed as it neared her throat.

He trailed it lightly over her jugular, down to the edge of her blouse. It came to rest in the valley between her breasts and in a quick swipe down, her top ripped down to her navel.

She threw herself backwards as she tried to scramble away, but the two other men were on her in seconds.

They held her down as their leader ripped the rest of her shirt from her body. She cried out as her chest became exposed.

She continued to scream as the leader grabbed a fist full of her bra and yanked, the poor fabric tearing in the process.

A loud, terrifying growl reached all four of their ears and the men froze. Ellie sobbed in relief, taking the opportunity to kick and knock their hold loose. She bolted toward the growl, hands reaching blindly.

As she wrapped herself around the large, black and brown body before her, her good arm coming to rest over his shoulders, fingers curled into the fur, she gazed at the men before them from behind her savior.

Her eyes began to glow gold as she eyed the men before them.

The leader took a step back in clear fear. He said something in a language she had never heard.

Another growl from behind her made her relax even more. She had no idea how her father had found her first, but now her mate was here.

His wolf came to rest beside them. She grinned behind her father's shoulder.

"He tried to take me." She whispered, knowing they'd hear her easily.

Her mate's red gaze shifted to her; lips pulled back in a snarl as he eyed her naked torso.

Rape was the second worst thing you could do to a werewolf's mate, right after murder. It was a death sentence.

He let out a howl of rage before launching himself at the men.


Ellie eyes shot open, and she rose a shaky hand to her ribs, pain shooting through her.

What the hell had she just seen? Another weird ass vision? At least this one didn't make her want to cry.

"I can't even blame Scott for taking Stiles and running. He was protecting his mate and thought Derek and Ellie were dead. If he had chosen fight instead of flight, the Alpha would have killed him." Peter's voice drifted through her consciousness.

Her head tilted to the side, catching sight of Peter's back as he spoke.

She could see her dad, standing with a face full of worry as he listened to her papa speak.

"You're right, I know you are. I'm just... I hate that Ellie and Derek were left there bleeding out while a pissed off Alpha was out for their blood. They are only alive because of you, Peter." Noah ground out between clenched teeth. "Stiles has been demanding to see her. He doesn't quite get why he can't."

Peter stepped closer, hand coming to rest at her father's neck. "I know. Derek's wolf is in Protection Mode. He's hurt and so is his mate. I'm the only one he'll allow near right now."

"P-papa." Ellie nearly choked as tears filled her eyes, the pain was seriously starting to become too much, the edges of her vision blurring.

"De-Derek. Where's Derek?" She sobbed. Peter was at her side instantly.

"He's right next to you, darling. Shhh. He's just sleeping while he heals. Rest." He spoke softly and took her hand in his as she reached out for him, trying to sooth her worries away.

Black veins started traveling up his arm and he let out a soft grunt as Ellie fell unconscious once more. His brow furrowed. She was still in a lot of pain.

He wiped a few strands of chocolate curls away from her cheek as he took her pain away.

His eyes moved toward his nephew, noticing that they were opening a crack as he watched Peter, no doubt waking as he heard her cry out for Peter.

"Sleep, Derek. She's safe and will be alright." He reassured Derek's wolf, reaching out to smooth a hand down his nephew's arm in comfort, scenting him in the process.

Peter's eyes flashed red as he bared his teeth in anger. He needed to kill this Alpha, and fast.

Noah stood in the doorway, knowing better than to enter. "Some of the other kids; Jackson, Lydia and Allison... They are all saying Derek was responsible for the murder of the Janitor. That he must have been the one to hurt Ellie. I couldn't do anything to stop it. It's their word against Scott and Stiles. Derek is wanted for murder, Peter. Every cop is on high alert and looking for him."

Peter growled. "How did they know Ellie was hurt?"

Noah sighed. "Scott and Stiles said the murderer, they didn't name him, had killed Ellie. Stiles was traumatized. He thought she was dead and kept repeating it."

Peter sighed heavily and closed his eyes. They had their work cut out for them.

"I let the station know that she was attacked by an animal though it isn't severe but had no excuse for Derek. As of right now, they think he is running. Stiles and Scott stuck to a story while they were giving their statements of what happened. That they didn't see the killer and that they had no clue what was going on, just that someone was trying to kill them all."

Peter gave a nod. "Then we have some work to do. We need to take care of this rabid Alpha and fast."

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now