"Who wants to go get snacks?"

"I DO!" They all yelled at the same time.

We all walked to the gas station. It was about a mile away from the motel. I was enjoying the walk, but the guys were not.

"It's too hot!" Brad yelled.

"Its 60 degrees out." I said.

"Yeah, and the sun is beating down on me."

I rolled my eyes. We walked into the gas station and it was like I was hanging out with a bunch of kids. They scattered through the store grabbing all kinds of snacks while I grabbed Gavins snacks and what I wanted.

I payed for my stuff and waited for the guys. These two teenagers walked in and looked at me. I smiled at them.

"Holy shit! Your that girl from Three Days Grace!" One of the kids said.

"I am."

"Can we get a picture?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

We got a picture and I noticed scars on the girls arms. She saw me looking and covered them up.

"Wanna go outside?" I asked.

They nodded.

I rolled up my sleeves and showed her mine. They were healed.

"Look I know what it's like to struggle. And I know I'm just some 25 year old in a band, but I want to let you know its okay."

"I've never met someone who knows what its like."

I smiled. "Neither have I. But now we both have."

"What helps you?"

I smiled. "Honestly I was smoking for a bit, but Adam hates when I smoke so I'm trying to quit. Music helps, and the band. Having good friends to pull you through the bad times is key."

She looked at her friend.


She blushed. "Yes. For two years!"

She was excited so I laughed with her.

"Just keep on pushing through okay?"

She smiled. "I will."

"Want to meet the rest of the band?"

They both got excited so when the band cane out of the gas station I introduced them. They were very chill about the whole thing. Completely different then the backstage pass people fangirling. We all got a group photo. One in selfie mode and then one of all of us hugging.

I pulled Adam aside. I told him what me and the girl, whose name was Jade, talked about.

"I think we should give them tickets to the show, and backstage passes."

I wasn't expecting him to agree, but a big smile spread across his face. We talked to the rest of the band and they all agreed.

We told the two kids what we were doing snd they were over the moon. We eventually left the gas station and walked back to the bus. Gavin was sitting on the steps leading inside and he looked glum.

"What did the mechanic say?" I asked as I handed him his snacks. He took a swig of his coke and sighed.

"He said I need a new router and hub in the front right tire. But he quoted me $3000 to to do it."

I scoffed. "If you can get me some parts to work with I can do it myself. Wouldn't charge ya a thing."

He agreed and went out and bough parts. We all hung out outside eating our snacks. Gavin came back.

"I asked the guy at the shop and he said this is what you would need."

I looked at all the parts and smiled.

"Alright boys. Let's get this bus on a jack so I can take the tire off."

They helped me and I was able to get the tire taken off so I could fix the wheel. I was working on the bus when Adam walked over to me.

"I'm impressed. You actually know what your doing."

I smiled. "One of the only good things I learned from my dad."

I finished putting the wheel back together. "Can you help me get the tire back on?"

He picked it up and we put it back on. "There we go. Good as new."

Adam clapped. "Sweet. We can get back on the road tomorrow morning."

Adam walked back into the motel and I watched him. I had to admit he was attractive. But i definitely wasn't ready for another relationship just yet. And I wasn't sure he even liked me like that.

I walked back into the motel and I was turning the corner I saw someone walk in. I looked and it looked like my mom.

"Mom? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Let's talk outside."

I felt my phone buzz, but I didn't look at it. I walked outside with her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm not allowed to come see my daughter."

I laughed. "Well were not exactly on speaking terms."

"You missed the funeral."

"And I told you I wasn't going. You have no right to act surprised."

She stared at me. "I want you to come with me."

I laughed. "Absolutely not. We have a show tomorrow I can't just leave."

She reached for me and I backed away. I looked at her car and saw Nora sitting in the passenger seat.

"What is she doing here?"

"We came to get you. Now get in the car!"

"No! Mom. I hate you. You made my life miserable growing up. I'm not just gonna leave just because dad died."

"You're such a failure. I knew you would never amount to anything. Glad to see nothing has changed."

I chuckled. "I am not a failure."

She grabbed me and I pulled away and ran inside the building. I heard her chasing after me. I ran into the guys room and locked the door.

"Hey guys."

They all stared at me. "Whats going on?"

I told them what happened.

"Why does Nora want you so bad?" Adam asked.

I could tell he was getting angry.

"I don't know."

"Alright I mean it this time, no going outside alone."

"I agree."

I didn't tell them what she said to me. I knew what she was saying wasn't true, but I couldn't help but believe them. I was a failure. I ran away from my old life to go on tour with a band that I'm not even a part of.

I told the guys I was going to my room. I walked in and Gavin wasn't there. I grabbed my razor and went into the bathroom.

I knew I had to stop eventually, but not right away.

One last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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