Chapter Four

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I was beginning to become anxious because it was taking Adam longer than expected to read my journal. I was hoping maybe he was just a slow reader and not snooping through it and reading entries I asked him not to. I was also anxious because Matt said he was off at midnight last night but never came home. He also wasn't responding to any of my messages. What felt like ages later Adam came down the stairs and went into the kitchen where Nora was. I didn't eavsdrop but from the sound of things they were arguing. After a few minutes of shouting Nora stormed up the stairs and Adam walked into the living room.

"Noras leaving. I broke up with her."

I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry."

He gave me a sad smile. "Don't apologize. I should have done that a long time ago."

I paused for a second. "Have you heard from Matt at all? He never showed up and isn't answering his phone."

Adam sighed. "No. I can try to message him or call him if you want me to."

"No. I think we should just wait and see what happens."

"Well, do you want to sit in on band practice while you wait?"

I smiled. "That sounds awesome!"

We got up and I followed him into their practice room.

I sat and watched them as they all played on their instruments. It was amazing how the music just flowed, like they weren't even trying. They were playing home and i started singing along with Adam and harmonizing. Once the song was over they all looked at me.

"You sound amazing!"

"Don't flatter me."

Neil laughed. "We're not. You're voices sound great together."

Adam smiled at me.

"Well music isn't really something I sped a lot of  time doing."

Adam looked at me again. "It could be."

"What are you saying?"

Before he could respond we heard the front door open. I immediately went over to it hoping that it was Matt coming home. He saw me and smiled.

"Hey Els."

I crossed my arms. "Where were you? I've been worrying about you all day!"

"Calm down. I had to stay late at work and then one of my buddies asked if I wanted to get drinks. I ended up crashing at his house."

"Why didn't you answer your phone then? You could have texted me saying where you were."

"Look, I didn't do anything bad so I don't see what the problem is." He walked past me and went into the kitchen.

"It doesn't matter anyway cause were going back to the apartment."

My whole body froze. "What?"

He turned to me and smiled. "Were not staying here anymore."

"Thats not your decision to make Matt. You can go back there if you want but I'm not."

"What are you so scared of?"

I couldn't believe what he was saying. "You know exactly what I'm scared of."

"Well if you don't come with me I'm gonna break up with you."

"Where is all of this coming from?"

He smiled. "I saw Nora. She said you got in between her and Adam and broke them up."

"She read my journal Matt!"

"I don't care. I don't want you here with him."

I crossed my arms again. "I'm not going."

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