Chapter Two

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I usually worked closing shifts at the coffee shop so I didn't have to be at work until 12pm. Matt works morning shifts at the auto repair shop so we usually didn't see each other until I would come home from work. I woke up to my alarm going off at 8am and I hit the snooze until 9am. Yes I knew it wasn't good for me, but I didn't care. An extra hour was an extra hour. I took a shower and put some music on while I waited to go to work. It was 11. I had to leave for work in half an hour. I started to get my stuff together when I heard a knock at the front door. I stared at it for a second. I wasn't sure who it could be so I opened the door with caution. A girl about my height was standing there. She had short black hair and was wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah. You're Ellie right?" It seemed like she was mad about something.

"That's me. Do I know you?"

"I'm Nora."

I had no idea who she was and I was getting nervous. "I'm sorry I think you have the wrong apartment." I went to close the door but she held it open.

"You know Adam right?"

I nodded my head.

"You need to stay away from him. He's my boyfriend not yours. I don't care how good you two sound together singing. He's mine."

I chuckled. "Adam and I are just friends."

A smirk appeared on her face. "Prove it."

"I live with my boyfriend. We have been together for two years. And I'm not in love with Adam."

She smiled again. "You better keep it that way cause if you mess things up for me you will pay for it."

After that she walked away. I opened my phone to call Adam and tell him what just happened, but I hesitated. Adam didn't tell me he was in a relationship so he doesn't know that I know. And I don't want to make Nora hate me anymore than she already does. Especially if this friendship works out. So I put my phone away and went to work.

-Three Days Later-
We had ten minutes until close and I was excited. I decided to try to set up a double date with me, Matt, Adam, and Nora. They all surprisingly agreed to go and I was hyped. I was humming along to Let You Down by Three Days Grace while I did dishes in the back when my coworker Lily walked up to me.

"Hey, someone is here to see you."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Some girl. She really wants to talk to you."

I dried off my hands and headed over to the front register. I saw Nora standing there and smiled.

"Hello. What can I get for you?"

She glared. "You're just going to treat me like a normal customer."

"Did you not come here to get coffee?"

She huffed. "Well I did."

"So what sounds good? If you're not sure, I can recommend something."

She looked at the menu and I looked at the parking lot. I didn't see any other cars besides mine and my coworkers so that meant that Adam wasn't here.

"I'll have a 16oz hot lavender latte with oat milk please."

I rang in her order and started making it.

"So how long have you been making coffee?" She asked as I started to steam the milk.

"Two years. Where do you work?"

She smiled proudly. "I don't. Adam lets me do whatever I want."

I finished making her drink and handed it to her. I was about to walk away, but she grabbed my wrist.

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