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Hello there how are you doing?
My name is Elena. How are you doing anyways I just asked you that lol.  I am an artist, author, musician, photographer, and goth model as well. I’m very interested in astronomy and stargazing, and I also like to do anything with crystals crystal healing, crystal collecting. If you wandering about whether I care about the way you dress or not no I don’t classes long as you have closing on. I am perfectly fine with you talking to me……. I don’t mind if you’re in a goth or not just so long long as you’re a decent human being.
A little bit about myself is that I have PTSD, Asperger‘s and ADHD. I also like to watch Disney+ and I also enjoy Netflix as well as a good book. I also like to read books and do other good things like artwork and other stuff if you’re wondering about my artwork you can send me a Medium request if you want . I am very happy to share my artwork with you, so that would be interesting on the last. I am also interested in languages because when I was in kindergarten, so I started talking and friends and that’s when I started learning languages because it was very interesting to be just like the things In spice.
Yes I’d love to be friends



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