Chpt. 7

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Nash's pov:
We arrived at Nando's and got a table. We were going to tell the girls something important again today. This was also scripted. 'Cam, can you send me the pictures now?' asked Francine. 'Yeah, same!' said Sinéad, so while we were waiting for our food, the girls were receiving pictures from Cam.

We were planning to tell the girls our big news while we're eating our lunch. Once the food arrived, we started to eat. I had to decide when we were going to tell them. However now wasn't the right time. 'Now!' mouthed Carter. I shook my head. Francine looked at me and said, 'Bae, you k?' 'Yeah!' I said, trying to shrug off the fact that I showed suspicion.

Finally, I was ready. 'So girls, tomorrow is an impotant day for the guys and I'. I started. 'Yeah, it's a great deal to us and we would like you to be part of this amazing nostalgia. 'What's up?' said Kata, gazing at Matt. 'Well tomorrow is the first ever Twitter/ Vine Awards, for most retweeted tweets, best male and female viner etc.' said Matt. 'That's great news!' said Rachel, hugging Taylor.

'That's not the surprise though!' Taylor assured. 'Yeah, we were wondering if you would like to join us on the red carpet!' finished Shawn. 'You're kidding?', Francine said in astonishment, staring into my eyes. I nodded and the girls went all.........girl like! 'Well we've got to hit the mall when we're done!'said Maria.' Yeah, we need to fix our wardrobe too, so maybe we could all go!' said Dan. 'Yeah babe', said Cam, looking to Catherine with his hands in hers. 'Sure, why not?' said Anais.

Fran's pov:
We finished up and headed to the mall. We didnt have to dress incredibly formal but then again not too casual. We all split up, but Nash and I took Johnson, as he didn't know what he was going for.

Most of the shops we went to were boutiques. Nash I believe was going to wear a tux so he just needed to find a nice one and buy a pair of Vans to go with it. Johnson chose to also wear tux, as most of the others were too. 'Babe you look great!' I said, once he came out of the dressing room. I took a picture and sent it to the girls and I's group chat with the caption, 'What you think?'. Almost instantly they replied back with, 'Cool' or 'Great fit' etc.

'Nash go ahead and buy it, it's great,'I said. While he did, Johnson found a navy blue tux and tried it on. I took a pic and sent it to the group chat and the girls thought he looked great, so he bought it too.

I took his phone and sent it to his date for tomorrow as asked. She seemed to have liked it, replying, 'perfect'. Once the boys were done, It was my turn. Nash took my hand whilst walking and whispered, 'I'll pay'. I looked up into his eyes and said, 'You don't have to!' 'But I want to!' he protested. 'Fine then', I said, knowing that I wouldn't have gotten my way in the end.

After around an hour, I found the perfect dress to go with Nash's tux. It was a subtle red maxi dress however one side of the dress was shorter than the other. I also bought, white air hostess heals with a white clutch bag. 'Babe, you'll look amazing', assured Nash. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

We all reunited with the others, as we had a time limit and location to where we would meet when we finish. The girls and I showed each other our dresses and shoes, etc while waiting for the late comers and then we headed back.

Once we were home, the girls and I dropped our bags, and we headed to the drugstore, to get a few bits and bobs for tomorrow. We were all excited af. It's gonna be the best night ever.

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