Chapter 22. Spending a day with Raghav

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'I never stopped and just listened the cacophony of our society.', Shrishti commented. She looked over at Raghav who nodded at her words. He was walking with his hands clasped behind his back. He wore his usual kurta pyjamas. She noticed that when he was at home, he was always in kurta pyjamas.

'You dress like some guy in thirties.', she could not help but comment.

'I like them.', he replied, 'They are comfortable.'

'You look good in them. Not many people can carry it off so well.'

Was it her imagination or was Raghav walking a little straighter at her words?

As they walked, Shrishti got an idea.

'Have you ever ridden the cycle with someone sitting behind?'

'Of course. Many times. Arpit.... Megha... both have sat in the back while I rode it.', Raghav explained.

Shrishti stopped right away, turned and grabbed Raghav's arm with excitement. 'Then will you take me?'

'What?' Raghav looked stupefied.

'Please.' Shrishti wheedled. 'Please. Please. I badly want to ride on the back. Please take me. Please.'

Raghav blinked, still in shock. 'Err...'

She made Raghav speechless. She was amazing, Shrishti mused and resisted the urge to giggle and laugh.

'Oh come on. I am your friend now. Won't you do this for your friend? Please.'

'I don't know.' Raghav finally answered.

'You don't know?' Shrishti was getting annoyed. She stomped her foot. 'You are breaking my heart here, Raghav!' She played up her hurt a little by letting her face crumble as if she was about to cry. The trick worked as Raghav sighed before nodding. 'Fine. Lets do it.'

'Yay!' Shrishti cheered forgetting her act and Raghav looked at her with narrowed eyes. She grinned sheepishly and he shook his head before they walked towards the cycle.

Raghav sat on it and Shrishti sat behind him sideways and grabbed the rear rack end with one hand and the seat end with another. Off they went and Shrishti gleefully looked around. In her whole life, she had never sat behind someone, on cycle or on a bike ever! So this was the most enjoyable moment for her. She watched as Raghav expertly turned and continued to cycle.

'Enjoying?', he asked just then.

She turned and noticed that he was looking at her from the side mirror. She grinned brightly at him before nodding vigorously. 'It is so much fun! I am loving it.'

They cycled around for a while before Shrishti had another idea. As they reached the main gate, Shrishti spoke up, 'I have an idea. Lets have ice cream.'


'Just few minutes' drive from our gate, there is an ice cream parlour! Lets go and eat there.'


'No, no, no! No Pari-ying me. You are listening to me. Please. It is on the same side of the road. We don't even have to cross the road. Just ride the cycle over. It is only few minutes. Please.'

Raghav stopped the cycle and turned around slightly. 'You want to eat ice cream?'

Shrishti nodded eagerly. 'Say yes, please!' She pouted and gave her best puppy eyes.

Raghav looked away before sighing and nodding. Shrishti cheered again.

Fifteen minutes later, they were sitting in the parlour eating happily.

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