Start from the beginning

"gavi?" startled, jocelyn closed her device and placed it to face the fabric over her thighs. her body tensed up and both her arms were now crossed her around chest.

"yeah" she sighed. only to be soon interrupted by the sounds of men's voice from the outside area. jocelyn swore she could identify the player just by the tip of their head, which she did get all correct. luka was first to arrive and followed by courtois, kroos, arda and jude was the last to enter.

"are you guys friends?" the words that left her mouth had him raising an eyebrow. nothing besides an emotion - less shrug was returned, sliding her goyard bag back onto her shoulder after seeing the arrival of many players.

"vini? why're you here so early?" jude's brummie accent was rougher than ever in the morning, his hoarse voice and his morning puffy-ness stored in his face made jocelyn giggle at the sight of it.

"her car broke down, and i needed to pick her up" vini's head bobbed the direction jocelyn was.

after an eye roll and a hit to the bicep to vini, the duo began heading out of his car. documents and camera clutched in hand, she made all the men follow behind while they head to the inside the medical center. the camera crew began starting their cameras for the new youtube video that they were told to record as soon as multiple footsteps were heard stomping into the entrance of sanitas; real madrid's medical centre.

"take your shirt off and lie down." the physiotherapist demanded towards jude, his voice stern and tense while he connected wires with a circular device in order to monitor his health. after the current proceedure, jude was directed to step on a scale that labelled his weight and height along with his health statistics.

"perfecto, bellingham." modric laughed, his eyes landing on jude's measurements. hopping off the scale, with a pat on the back from modric, bellingham sheepishly smiled while he slid his shirt back on, allowing camavinga to be medical tested.

leaning over to jocelyn, eager for the outcome of his photos, "let me see"

flashing his pearly whites, proud of how manly and toned his muscles looked in the photos of him lying on the hospital-like bed. jocelyn laughed at his reaction, finding it childish and adorable how happy and excited he was to view the outcome of the photographs. jocelyn's camera was now in his hands, scrolling through the many snaps she took of him.

"this is nice, jocelyn" he praised, returning the heavy weighed camera back to it's proper owner.

"thank you, jude" she jokingly rolled her eyes.

"you better post these pictures." he sneered.




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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, pablo gavi.Where stories live. Discover now