Chapter 12 - Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots

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With Kamaria's position as the Wisest on the Guard, she's sometimes taken to meetings outside of the Pride Lands to help settle disputes. Today was one of those days, when the Eastern Pride and the Marsh Pride were disagreeing on proper hunting boundaries. Having the feeling that there would be stubborn heads fighting each other without reason, Simba brought his daughter to help settle the arguments and find a peaceful solution.

Meanwhile in the Pride Lands, birds flew into the sky with panic as a herd of oryx run in a stampede. Janja and his hyenas chase after the herd ready for lunch, only to run into the Lion Guard.

Janja - "Come on, boys! It's lunch time and I'm starving!"

Chungu - "I'm always starving!"

Kion - "Hyenas! I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!"

Janja - "Did you now? My stomach keeps forgetting."

Chungu - "His stomach forgets. Hehehe! That's a good one!"

Kion - "GO!"

Janja - ""

Running away from the Lion Guard, Janja and his hyenas made a quick escape to the Outlands.

Cheezi - "Hahaha! That cub's got no sense of humor!"

Kion - "Lion Guard! Calm the herd! I'll take care of these guys."

Fuli - "You got it."

Chungu - "We're leaving? What about lunch?"

Janja - "All of a sudden, I'm not so hungry."

Cheezi - "But Janja! You said you were starving!"

Janja - "Just run, fur brain!"

Kion - "That's right! Back to the Outlands! Now!"

Running across a dead log that worked as a bridge across the river, the hyenas ran for the Out Lands. Unfortunately, Kion's yelling caused the wooden log to to crack, and Kion fell into the rushing waters. Kion comes up from the water coughing up water, and holds onto the log for support. Since the water is too rough to swim in, Kion can't get back to land. Back on land, the Lion Guard has gotten the herd to return to their grazing grounds calmly.

Beshte - "That's right. Easy there. You're all okay now."

Bunga - "Yeah! Kion's chased this hyenas back into the Out Lands!"

Fuli - "And he should be back by now. Ono, check on Kion."

Ono - "Affirmative!"

Heading into the sky, Ono is unable to find Kion anywhere on land, but spots him drifting down the river. Kion is struggling to keep his claws intact with the log, and is trying to stay above the water.

Ono - "Hapana! Everyone, everyone! Kion's in trouble! Come on!"

Bunga - "Kion! Hang on, Kion! We're coming!"

Beshte - "Little B, don't! The current's too strong!"

Fuli - Ono! Keep pace with Kion!"

Ono - "Right!"

Bunga had jumped into the water to save Kion, despite Beshte's warnings. Fuli had Ono check on Kion while the rest made their way next to the river. Bunga was unable to keep up with the current, causing him to be wept up in the river as well. Beshte was able to jump into the river and rescue Bunga, but Kion was too far away for him to reach.

Bunga - "Woah! Thanks, Big B!"

Ono - "Hang in there, Kion. Oh, no! Kion, look out! Rocks! Straight ahead!"

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