"Jessi?" I called, stupidly hoping that she would respond.

When I heard footsteps coming from the hallway to my left, I turned, following the noise. I finally caught sight of Jessi, who was slowly walking out of the front doors of the school.

I chased after her and headed out the doors, shielding my eyes from the sun once I was outside. I then searched the trees, knowing that I would find Jessi somewhere nearby. It only took me a minute to spot her sitting on a high branch, staring out at the street nearby. Part of me worried that she was going to fall and break her neck. But the other part of me knew that Jessi had been climbing trees since she was able to walk.

"Jessi?" I called breathlessly as I stumbled upon the tree. I looked up, trying to make out her brown eyes, which were shadowed by the last few leaves that dangled off the branch above her.

"Go away, Ethan!" she snapped, not looking away from the Speedway across the street.

"I just wanna make sure you're okay," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck and looking down at the ground. When I glanced up again, I noticed that Jessi was now looking my way. "What happened back there?"

"Of course, you witnessed that," Jessi scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're just always there at the perfect moments. Why do you even care?"

I tried to go for something lighthearted. "Well, when you see someone running out of the auditorium like their shoes are on fire–"

"I get it. I made a fool of myself."

"Would you stop twisting everything I say?" I snapped, losing my patience. "I'm trying to help you out."

Jessi sighed angrily. "I screwed up. End of story."

"But why did you even audition? You're not the type of person who would – no offense."

"Maybe I wanted to try something new."

"Yeah, but acting?"

Jessi looked away, biting her lip. She mumbled something that sounded like, "I didn't have much choice."

"Did that new girl make you do it? Because–"

Jessi jumped down from her spot in the tree, landing a few inches away from me. "No one made me do anything," she declared, her voice quiet but harsh. "Aurora wanted to audition with me. But thanks for the vote of confidence."

"That's not what I was trying to say. I just meant–"

"That you don't think I can stand up for myself? That I just let everyone else drag me along?" Jessi laughed bitterly. "Maybe I was that person once, but not anymore."

"I don't even know who you are anymore!"

Both of us fell silent.

I saw a flicker of sadness cross Jessi's face. "Funny," Jessi mumbled, looking down at her sneakers. "I get that a lot." Jessi sighed once more, combing a hand through her dark hair. "I auditioned with Aurora because she actually wanted to audition with me. It doesn't happen often that someone wants to associate themselves with me."

I didn't say anything, waiting for Jessi to continue.

She tucked her hands in the sleeves of her red-and-black plaid sweater. She then added quickly, "It doesn't matter, though. You saw me up there. I'm not cut out for acting."

"You know, you could always do backstage."

Jessi smiled sadly. "I... I'll have to think about it."

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