"Sam this is sick!" I say completely astonished by what I'm seeing. I've never been in a limo before but this nearly looks like a spaceship! She really is filthy rich!

"Thanks. I try not to brag." She says.

"Brag away! Are you sure you're really okay with all this? I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. My Aunt could always buy me a dress and stuff when she comes back from her trip." I say.

"Is it too much? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No, no I just wasn't expecting any of this. But boy do I feel poor around you now."

"It's fine, really. Like I said, you're doing me a favor too. My Mom would try to drown me in pink sparkles and bows. But it's still nice to hang out outside of school and the Nasty Burger too." Sam says.

"Valid. Thanks again for what you did today too. I'll never forget it. Who knows? Danny might become your boyfriend someday! There's still a chance, Only he knows and decides what he wants." I say trying to give her some honest hope.

She nods.

"We'll see. Whatever happens, happens. I just want him to be happy. Hence why I got pissed about him formerly liking Paulina; she doesn't care about him at all and he for sure wouldn't be happy with her." She states.

"I couldn't agree more. I still have no regrets about what I said to her. Anyway, what's your dress look like?"

"It's long, black and red, with a mesh material on top." She says taking out her phone showing me a picture.

"Wow, that's beautiful! You're going to look great!"

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Wow, that's beautiful! You're going to look great!"


     I take out my phone and text Danny what she told me. I'm not sure what he has in mind, but I'm certainly glad to help.

~Time Skip~

     Sam and I shop for a couple hours and I've picked out a pair of heels, a clutch and jewelry to match. Sam picked out her shoes and accessories as well. We we're having a great time! We've bonded even more over this time too. Dress after dress, I just couldn't find one that either fit me right, liked on the hanger but not on me, or just wasn't my style but Sam made me try on anyway. I try on this turquoise blue dress that feels good, and gives me confidence. My search was over.

"This is the one." I say coming out of the fitting room and showing her the dress.    

"That looks stunning!" Sam says taking a couple pictures on my phone.

"It's not that pricey either, so I don't feel as bad!" I give a little twirl, watching it sway in a majestic fashion.

"Oh stop with that." Sam orders.

"Really, thanks so much." I say smiling.

"You're welcome (Y/N). Come on, let's get going." Sam says.

"Right!" I say walking back in and changing back into my clothes.

     Sam and I wrapped up our shopping spree, hung out for a little bit, and her dropped me off at home. I thank her again and head inside. This is too awesome. I hope Danny is blown away when he sees me. I have never been this excited to attend a school event in my life! I hang up my dress and other dance accessories in my closet keeping them secure and hidden.

     My stomach rumbles and I realize I really haven't ate much today. I was so upset about letting Danny down last night and nearly vomited in the bathroom at school. I'm literally starving! Good thing my AUnt left me food money!

I just then had a brilliant idea. Food is always better with company and I really hate being alone all the damn time. I take out my phone and text Danny. I wonder...

(Y/N): Yo man. You busy?

Danny: Not anymore. I just had to take care of Skulker again. No crazy damage to the environement this time thankfully, but I'm wiped. What's up?

(Y/N): Oh. Well I just got back hungry, and you know my Aunt isn't home plus left me food money, I was going to invite you over for pizza and a movie. But if you're too tired, it's cool!

Danny: Are you kidding? Ghost fighting always works up an appetite. I'm down!

(Y/N): Come on over! I'll order one cheese and one pepperoni. Sound good?

Danny: Yeah! On my way!

     I smile and fist pump jumping up and down. I mean this isn't a date or anything, but some alone time with Danny and awesome food, this night just got even better. I make a quick call and order the pizzas. Within minutes, the door bell rings. I open the door and it's him.

"Hey! Come on in."

"Hey!" He says walking by me. "Thanks for inviting me over."

"It's the least I could do. I still feel horrible about last night. I wanted to make it up to you."

"It's in the past. I'm just glad it all got sorted out. I'm excited to go to the dance with you."

"I'm excited too." I say bushing.

     It takes the pizzas about 20 minutes or so to arrive. The smell of freshly melted cheese and garlic seasoned crust fill our noses, making our stomach growl even louder. I tip the delivery driver and set the pizzas down on the living room coffee table. Danny and I sit on the couch watching (movie of choice). Throughout the remainder of the night, we stuffed our faces, talked about the dance and told him the color I picked, laughed and overall enjoyed hanging out together. Certainly made up for the sad night before.

     It was the perfect way to end the day. Three weeks can't come soon enough!

The New Girl in Town (Danny Phantom X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now