Coffee shop AU

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Klavier was tapping on the counter. "Glitterboy, stop it." Ema muttered like he was causing mass disturbance of the peace and not a minor disturbance of HER peace. "But he comes here!" "So? What about it? Do your job." "You give the worst romantic advice, Fräu Cykes." "Good," she said, deadpan. "That was my goal." Suddenly someone cleared their throat. "Hey, Klavier!" Trucy Wright and Apollo Justice were at the counter. Trucy was bouncing with glee, Apollo...? Not so much. "Fräulein! Herr Justice! Welcome back, what would you two like?" Klavier had a big grin and looked at his boyfriend's big brown eyes. "I'll get my usual. Truce'll get hers." Apollo smiled at Klavier gently and in a cutely awkward manner. "A black coffee, no sugar, just milk... And a double chocolate hot chocolate with exra whip!" "Polly, your boyfriend's good!" "I memorized your drinks is all." He winked at Apollo who in turn blushes. While this went on, Ema was waiting tables. Luckily it was relatively un-busy that day, or Klavier would be getting an earful from the Forensics Detective. Them getting a part-time job here was all because they had gotten into an argument and got punished by Miles Edgeworth to get a part-time together. It was a cozy environment and besides! It was Apollo's favourite coffee shop! Klavier thought it was a win-win. Ema however, had to worry about her girlfriend stealing baked goods everytime she popped in and to quote her 'Have to listen to a glamourous fop tippy-tap away all day.' Klavier always pretended not to hear the 'fop' part and only the 'glamourous' part. Klavier started preparing the drinks, putting the espresso into the espresso machine and pouring a bit of milk into it. He then made the hot chocolate by pouring the hot milk into the milk and dark chocolate blend. He finished it off with whipping cream, chocolate drizzle and star-shaped sprinkles. "Here's your drinks! It'll be 1210¥!" "Apollo and Trucy both pulled their wallets out at the same time. Trucy put 1100¥ on the counter before Apollo could and he glared at her before smacking 110¥ down. (AN: 1$ CAD = 109.21 ¥)


"How was your shift?" Apollo said when they arrived at Klavier's flat. "Very good, schatz. It got better when you arrived." "Oh quiet!" Apollo put a hand in the blond's face. Klavier placed his hand on Apollo's and moved it to his lips, caressing his hand gently. "Trucy liked her hot chocolate a lot and told Pearl all about it. If you see them there on a date I apologize on her behalf." "Fräulein Fey and Fräulein Wright are lovely girls." "If you like having 18 year old girls gushing about romance at school then sure. Oh wait you delight in romance." "You love me for it or my many blatantly obvious hints wouldn't have landed me your love." "How was I supposed to know Klavier Gavin, a pompously handsome sassy man, didn't flirt with everyone?" "I like short defense attorneys with big brown eyes and spiky hair." "Wow you didn't mention my forehead, how kind of you." "It's an obvious feature." "I should've seen this coming." Klavier kisses his forehead.

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