Faith: "Can you please stop that, I'm just waiting in line."

Guy: "I'm not doing anything, I'm just talking with my friends here."

Girl: "Wait Aren't you Faith!? Ariana's Girlfriend?"

Ignore her and move up the line, as I stop the guy pushes me down onto the ground and I almost break my glasses. I knew that wasn't on purpose, he shoved my ass.

Faith: "Oh okay do you have a fucking problem with me? Just say it to my face dick head!!"

Guy: "What the hell did you just fucking call me."

Faith: "You heard me dick head!!"

Jace: "I would apologize to her if I were you, none of us want to cause a scene here now do we, some of us are hungry and we just want to eat."

Guy: "I don't have no problem here, I'm just minding my fucking business here trying to get food for my Girl and our friends, Missy over here think she's all that because she's dating that diva she calls her girlfriend!!"

He got on my nerves and it took me everything I had no to punch him in his goddamn face.

Faith: "I feel really bad for your girlfriend and your friends for having to deal with your bitch ass!!" I flipped him off.

Girl: "I was going to defend you, fuck!! You're actually like this in person, I'm sorry for my boyfriend but he didn't do shit!!"

Faith: "He did right." I say sarcastically. "You guys aren't worth my fucking time!!"

The guys walk right behind Faith and so does his girl. Jace gets in the way to make sure nothing happens.

Jace: "Don't you dare think about touching her because I won't hesitate in punching you in that face."

For the next 10 minutes everything went smoothly, nothing happened. We were about to get our food when that same couple and some other bump into us at the same time causing me to break my glasses. Spill nachos cheese all over my hoodie that I was wearing.

Faith: "You got to be fucking kidding me!!"

No one apologized and I picked up the glasses, with one of the lenses broken. I can barely make out shit but I went up to the guy.

Faith: "Fuck you!!" I spilled the rest all over him.

The small crowd of people all gasp and take out their cameras recording me.

Guy: "Ohh really mature bitch, don't walk away while I'm talking to you bitch!!!"

I flipped him off walking backwards, that man really got on my nerves and I couldn't hold myself back. His pride probably shattered a little bit after that scene.

His girl at the time was walking right behind me and Jace got in the way not trying to escalate the scene more than it had to be, that did go as planned.

(Ariana pov)


Ariana: "I want to dedicate this song to a special someone in my life, you all may know who she is." I smile thinking about Faith.

The lights slow down and, tattooed heart intro starts to play. I had no clue what was going on but I wish I did.

Ariana: "You don't need a lot of money, Honey, you don't have to play no games, All I need is all your lovin, To get the blood rushing through my veins, oh"

All that mattered was that she was listening to me sing this song for her. Oh how wrong I was, and she was going to get into something I wouldn't be able to apologize for.

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