-• Chapter 1 •-

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~* 3rd person *~

"Sonic!" The golden two-tailed fox shouted, a parcel in his hands, within a second a blue hedgehog appeared in front of him.

"Yeah Tails? Oo! Is that for me?" Sonic excitedly asked, Tails handed him the package.

"What did you order?" Tails questioned him, the blue blur shrugged and started to rip open the package. He finally opened up the box and found to what he assumed to be was perfume. He sprayed a bit and tried to sniff around for it, but he couldn't smell anything.

"Can you smell that? I can't.." Sonic raised an eyebrow as his brother's nose twitched, but shook his head in response

"That's.. weird. Who sent it..?" Tails asked himself as he retrieved the shredded up box, but it didn't have any kind of stamps, or anything in general to indicate where it had come from.

"Dunno, probably some shoddy fan mail. Maybe if I spray lots you'll be able to smell it," Sonic said as he sprayed the 'perfume' all over himself, but he still couldn't smell a thing. Who would send him such a thing?

Tails shrugged and tossed the box in the bin as he left the kitchen.

"Yeah, you've not had fan mail in a while  though since we moved.. Oh well, I'm going to finish off this project, are you going to go for a run or something?" The young kit asked from the hall, waiting for his brother's answer.

"Uh, yeah I'll go for a quick run!" Sonic sped out to the hall behind Tails, following him on the way out of the door.

"See you later, buddy!" And with that, Sonic took off, leaving a cloud of dust and an irritated fox.

It wasn't long until the blue blur reached his destination, and you wouldn't believe who he found.

~*Shadow's pov*~

"Hey Shads!" Sonic called out as he sped over to me, gods, when will I ever be able to escape this nuisance!

"What have I told you about-!" I paused, his scent was so.. so strong. It was intriguing, nothing that I had ever smelt before, he smelt sweet. Like alarmingly sweet, it was too overpowering, and that should perfectly display how strong his smell was.

"Yeah, yeah. I didn't expect to see you here!" Sonic rolled his eyes and plopped himself down onto the grass close by me, but I was too engrossed in that scent of his to even notice.

"Earth to Shadow?" That faker of a hedgehog waved his hand in front of my face, which snapped me back to reality as I hit it away.

"What?!" I snapped at him, and I could feel my cheek's reddening, Gaia, what was happening?!

"Why are you acting weird? Like, not your usual weird, but weird weird?" Sonic tilted his head a little and his ears folded against his head in confusion. His ears are pretty cute.. Wait! No! Sonic is not cute! Am I going crazy? Or is it that season again? But Sonic isn't a girl! I'm definitely going crazy.

"I'm.. fine, Faker," I forced my words out, before standing up and turning away from him, I had to get away, and fast. Hmph, well, as if that would be hard for me.

"Ugh, be that way then," Sonic huffed and also rising to his feet, "Wanna race?" The blue bastard sped around to face me, and Chaos when that smell hit me... How do you think Sonic would react if I just kissed him... What on fucking mobius was that thought? I'm being brainwashed!

"O-Only if you go away after." I stuttered?! Fuck what was he doing to me?! I was fine just minutes before!

"Mm, only if ya' win, Shads!" Sonic smirked and winked at me, and my cheeks felt like they were on fire. I had completely and utterly embarrassed myself in front of this idiot, as he slightly raised an eyebrow, but only for a split second.

"It's still only April.. Isn't it?" I thought out loud as we both got into running positions, to which Faker turned to look at me with confusing etched on his face.

"Uh.. Yeah. Why?" Sonic took a moment to process the date, well, I assume he did.

"Just confirming it was.." I muttered, so it wasn't the season, gah, I am dreading the month of May.. But I had distracted Sonic with my unusual question, so I took the chance to get myself a head start.

"Go," I called out to the fool, but only after I had taken off and sped ahead of him. The profanities I heard from behind me was terrible. Maria would never of approved.

After a couple of seconds I heard Sonic coming up behind me, I glanced back at him and he made an angry face at me.

"I didn't even say where the finish line was, cheater!" He yelled, I smirked at him.

"Finish line at that tree, Faker!" I pointed towards a large tree a far distance away, and put more Chaos energy into my skates to speed up.

~*3rd person*~

'That cheating bastard! I'll still win and rub it in his smug face!' The blue blur thought to himself as he picked up his pace, coming close to surpassing Shadow.

Both hedgehogs pushed theirselves to their limits, sweat starting to set Sonic's fur as they neared the supposed finish line. The blue blur's gloved hand touched the tree just a split-second before Shadow's, ultimately naming Sonic the winner.

The blue blur slumped against the tree, smiling victoriously while Shadow glared daggers at him as he stood slightly bent over with his hands on his knees. Sonic was panting like crazy, whilst Shadow took about 5 seconds to control his breathing back to normal.

"Cheating.. doesn't mean.. you'll win.. Shads.." The cobalt hedgehog was taking large inhales and exhales while forming that sentence, a well-known shit eating grin plastered on his face. "I'm.. just the.. faster hedgehog."

"Don't forget who's the stronger hedgehog, and I just was unfocused," The ebony hedgehog snapped back, while trying to not breath through his nose, Sonic just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Hey, don't you have like a really good nose? Since your the 'Ultimate Lifeform' yada yada." Sonic got up and walked closer to his still very flustered counterpart.


"Yes, why do you ask?" Shadow crossed his arms over his chest, wondering if Sonic was going to admit that he had done something to mess with him.

"I got sent this perfume earlier, dunno who from, but me or Tails can't smell anything, can you?" Sonic slightly lifted up his head, exposing his neck as that's where he prominently sprayed the perfume.

Shadow's whole body tensed, his jaw clenched as he stared at his rival's exposed neck.

'I could just sink my fangs into it...'

"N-No." The flustered mess that Shadow was stuttered once again, his gaze averting his counterpart at all cost, trying to keep his mind from wandering else where.

"Uh.. Shads are you sure you're okay? Your cheeks are pretty red, are you sick? I thought 'The Ultimate Lifeform' couldn't get sick!" The blue hero mocked him jokingly, and at this point Shadow couldn't take the smell anymore, it was unbearable to stand near him and not indulge in it.

The dark antihero gave Sonic one last look, before Chaos Controlling away to leave his rival standing alone at the tree.

"I never thought he would take that seriously?!" Sonic flailed his arms, his brows furrowed, thinking he had insulted Shadow. But boy, was that far from the truth.

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