Chapter 15

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Aubri's P.O.V.

After my dream-walking into Loki's dream, I was rudely awakened by my alarm blaring in my ear. I groaned and switched it off. Why did I set an alarm for a Saturday? I slowly got out of bed and started to wake myself up. I was a little sore from yesterday and I knew my face was gloriously bruised. I went to the bathroom and showered. I glared at my reflection for a while before doing anything with it. I was halfway done covering my bruises with makeup when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw Peter's name flash across the screen. I grabbed it and answered.

"Why are you up so freaking early in the morning?" I groaned, putting my phone on speaker and setting it on the sink edge.

"Aren't you supposed to be ready for me to pick you up in twenty minutes?" Peter countered. I gasped and dropped my makeup brush.

"I start the internship today? I thought it started next week!" I said, swearing under my breath while hurrying through my makeup.

"Umm, it started yesterday, but you didn't go because of something regarding Loki. Mr. Stark understands, by the way." Peter laughed through the phone.

"Great. Just what I needed. How much time do I have before you break into Wade's apartment?" I asked, hiding my makeup stuff in my backpack. I heard a thump against the wall and I groaned. "Peter, why is Spider-Man hanging from the side of Wade's apartment building?"

"I technically didn't break in. Can I come in through the window?" He asked, knocking. I glared at him as I let him in.

"What happened to twenty minutes?" I asked, brushing my hair. "You now get to wait until I have this rat's nest sorted out."

"Umm..." Peter said, pulling off his mask and fidgeting nervously with it. "There's something wrong with Loki. It's an emergency."

"I don't see how that pertains to me." I said, pulling my hair into a ponytail. "I'm not an Avenger or a Vigilante." Peter looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself. "And I'm not going to use any vampire voodoo you think I have."

"Loki's having a hard time fighting the mind control. That's what Thor said, at least. I think you should be there because Loki likes you, or at least he did. Whatever you said yesterday needs to be put behind you because this is a big problem. If Loki loses..." Peter let his sentence hang, and I sighed.

"I'm almost ready. Two seconds." I grabbed an ibuprofen and chugged a bottle of water. "There. Let's go."

"What's wrong with you?" Peter asked, grabbing me so he could bring me to the tower. I grabbed around his neck and held on as he swung across Queens to Uptown NYC. He looked at me expectantly when he landed at the tower.

"I had a headache. I didn't sleep great last night." I said, looking at my feet.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Why don't you head on in, and I'll be right down." He said, nodding at the door. I silently walked into the living area of the top floor of the tower and sat in the far corner, trying to remain hidden in case anyone walked in. Peter entered shortly and led me to the elevator.

"I still don't think this will work. I don't have voodoo or magic or whatever..." I trailed off when the doors opened on the level with the cells. "I hate it down here."

"I know... It's only for a little while so you can see Loki and try to fix him." Peter said. I looked at him with a sigh.

"I still don't know how you expect me to fix him." I huffed, stopping when I saw all of the Avengers meeting just outside of Loki's visual range. Peter pulled me along and stood next to Thor.

"I brought Aubri. What's the game plan?" He said, patting my shoulder. I glared at him and rolled my eyes.

"Well, we could try to have her talk to him... Though that might not work. He's being really ass-hole-ish today." Mr. Stark said, running his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know why you expect him to listen to me. He seemed like he wanted nothing to do with me yesterday. I don't know why you thought that would change overnight." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"He was talking in his sleep... He kept saying your name and crying. I'm pretty sure my brother feels very sorry for his actions." Thor said from his spot on the floor. He looked like he'd been crying."How could I have let this happen? I'm his older brother. I should've seen it coming."

"Mr. Thor! It isn't your fault! Don't blame yourself for the actions of others!" Peter said, leaving my side to go hug the god. Without Peter right next to me, I felt exposed.

"I know you're all talking about me! Come speak to me face-to-face like the heroes you all claim to be!" Loki yelled, banging on his barrier. The Avengers all sighed and ignored him. I carefully snuck past them and sat silently outside his cell. Loki looked like absolute hell, and I didn't blame him. He glared at me when he realized I was there. "I don't like talking to liars." He growled out.

"Then I'm going to guess you hate talking to yourself or your reflection." I said with a scoff. The Avengers were all staring at me now. "But, for shits and giggles, why have you dubbed me a liar?"

Loki scoffed. "As if you don't already know." I raised an eyebrow and didn't say anything. "You tell all these half-truths and give me no explanation as to why! Like, how do you actually know Deadpool, the anti-hero? And I know you didn't fall down the stairs when you were hurt, that you are also miraculously healed from, I might add!"

"How about these truths. I know Deadpool's secret identity, which should remain a secret. I technically stumbled down the stairs after I was hurt, which caused the ankle and arm. Do you need more truth than that?" I hissed angrily.

"You still are lying, even when you say you are telling the truth! You also didn't explain the miraculous healing! And how were you dreamwalking last night?" Loki yelled. I flinched back at his tone and saw red with fury.

"I don't know who you might think I am, but I am no monster!" I yelled. I glared at Loki while tears streamed down my face. "I have done nothing but be supportive and all I get is bull shit! Do you know how that feels, Flash? Do you?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 19 ⏰

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