Chapter 5

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Aubri’s P.O.V.

I stared at my soulmate, not betraying anything about my feelings. My drawing was held tightly in his hands, and he looked as if he didn’t want to let it go. “Like, you can keep it, but I just want to know where you got it.”

“I definitely didn’t give it to him.” Peter said, looking at his feet. I rolled my eyes.

“Of course you did. It’s not like it is my private stuff you went through and took that without my permission. Why, Peter?” I asked him with a glare. Another wave of pain passed through my head at all of the loud voices. My mental shields had fallen while I was loopy, excuse me, mildly dazed.

“Are you alright?” Loki asked me carefully.

“Yeah, um, why?” I said while looking at my converse.

“You just flinched. That can indicate pain, nerves, and fear. What is bothering you?” The god asked, stepping closer to the barrier of sorts.

“It’s nothing. I just need to get home.” I said, nervously adjusting my sleeves.

“Flash can wait. He is very lucky to still be…”

“Stop Peter. You can’t ask a drunk person to be sane. So stop expecting me to remember what I said. Flash and I are fine.” I said with a glare.

“Fine. I’ll get you to your apartment. But what did you need Mr. Stark?” Peter asked. I grabbed my sketchbook, minus a page, and put it back in my backpack.

“Peter, can Loki go to school with you tomorrow? He needs happy memories to stop being homicidal. I feel like you and Aubri there to keep students safe would be enough. I don’t know, though. Do you think you could do that?” Tony asked us.

“It’ll be fine. I’ll keep Peter and Loki out of trouble. Now, let’s go Peter.” I said.

“He is so lucky to still be alive.” Peter reminded me as he set me down outside my apartment building. I glared at him and shoved his chest.

“Flash is a wonderful boyfriend. You just are too jealous to see it.” I responded, walking into my building. I walked up to my apartment that Flash’s family provided for me because they couldn’t have their precious son dating a homeless girl.

“You are late.” Flash said as I pushed open the door. “Where did you go with Penis? Did you cheat on me with him? You know how I feel about you hanging out with other guys. I am afraid I have to punish you again. You know how I hate doing this.”

“Please! They took me to the tower! I promise, I only love you!” I said, backing away from his fury. He just closed the space between us, backing me into a wall.

“Aubri, I did all of this for us. All of this. And you repay me by doing this? Well, this needs to stop. I will correct you in your ways of infidelity.” He said, slapping me. I fell to the ground, and set my jaw. Maybe Peter was right. I glared at the ground, and pushed myself up.

“No, Flash. What you do is not for US. It is for YOU! I am done with this. You shouldn’t be able to hit me, but you do. Do you do it because I am weaker than you?” I said quietly, glaring at him. “Well, news flash. I am stronger than I look.”

“I am not going to deal with a rebel girlfriend. You will obey me!” Flash said, punching my stomach. He stomped on my ribs, breaking some in the process. He proceeded to kick me and I wrapped myself into a ball. I was freaking out, and my ability started acting up. Flash went flying back at the blast of pure magic bursting out of me.

“You are done! Get out of my house! I never want to see you ever again! You say one word about this, and you are dead! You hear me? DEAD!” Flash screamed. I stumbled down the stairs, hearing him screaming behind me. I ran to the street, breathing heavily. I pulled out my phone with shaking hands and dialed the number he warned me to never call unless it was an emergency.

“Hi, if you meant to call this number, you know what to do. If you didn’t mean to, hang up. If you are still listening, my prices went up.” He said.

“Cut the shit. You know it's me.” I gasped out through the pain.

“Okay, do you know how many girls call me at this time of night in pain?” He asked. I glared at the phone.

“Okay, fine. It’s Aubri. Can you come get me?” I asked him.

“I thought I told you to not call this number again.” He said.

“The reasons are different this time. I need help. Please. I think I have a rib in my lung and you are probably the only one who can fix it.” I begged.

“Where are you?"

“What the hell did you do?” Wade asked me, downing another beer as he fixed my ribs. “I mean, three fractured ribs, a shattered femur, a broken arm, and a major concussion. I literally had to shoot myself to keep you alive.”

“And I thank you, ow!” I hissed as he re-broke a rib to put it back.

“We wouldn’t be in this situation if you hadn’t gone picking fights with superheroes.” He teased, taping my ribs together with duct tape.

“It wasn’t a superhero.” I said quietly.

“And I’m not Deadpool. You wouldn’t be this hurt unless you didn’t fight back, or you were fighting a superhero.” He said, making a splint for my leg. I was quiet for too long in his opinion. “It was Eugene, wasn’t it?” He demanded, breaking my arm for the third time. I screamed in pain and glared at him. He shrugged his apology.

“No, I fell down the stairs.” I said quietly.

“What stairs? Are you Bella Swan? I’ve watched you jump off a building and be perfectly fine. Think of a better lie.” He argued. “And I won’t kill him. You’re broke.”

“True that. Broke and homeless, all in one day. YAY!” I said sarcastically.

“They kicked you out? What about your stuff? I’ll be right back.” He said, disappearing. He came back moments later with my school stuff and some clothes. “Free of charge. They threw out the rest.”

“Seriously? Why would you do that?” I said, groaning as my arm re-set in the wrong place. Wade grabbed it, broke it, broke his arm, and watched mine repair itself the correct way.

“When was the last time you ate?” He asked me, putting my arm in a sling.

“Supper? Why?” I asked, avoiding his obvious meaning.

“Not human food. Your food.” He said  wrapping my arm in duct tape as well.

“Last… month?” I questioned, looking at my now shiny arm and leg.

“Aubri! You can’t be not taking care of yourself like that! I know I’m a hypocrite, but I don’t go murdering people when I’m hungry.” He scolded.

“Says the three people in front of you at McDonalds.” I teased. He rolled his eyes at me and put away his duct tape.

“You can bunk with me for a few days, and if you get a job, I’ll rent you my spare room.” he said, opening a portal. “But first, you go hunt.”

“I’m fine. Really.” I said, but Wade just shoved me through the portal and closed it behind me. I found myself at Forest Park. I got a few deer and ran back to Wade’s apartment. I walked in to find him with another dude who was glaring at him.

“Do you want me to leave, Wade?” I asked. Both men looked at me in surprise.

“Who the hell are you?” The other dude asked. Wade glared at me.

“Come on, Aubri. I could have taken him.” He whined.

“I know, but if you are going to fight someone, don’t do it with me in the room, or apartment, or within a block of you. I have school tomorrow, and that is something I cannot miss. Now, do I need to leave?” I asked again.

“No, you’re fine. Logan is not a problem.” Wade said, indicating the other man.

“You wanna repeat that?” Logan asked, unsheathing some metal claws of sorts. I felt the familiar flow of magic, and I had my own metal claws. I inspected them closely.

“Cool. I’m leaving now.” I said, saluting the two men, one of which was flabbergasted and the other just looked sad.

“Now, who the hell was that, bub?”

“Aubri Williams.”

The Monster WithinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ