Bill: "Listen, just 'cause we live in the city now doesn't mean (he gathers Cricket, Tilly, and Gramma for a group hug) our old ways of doing things are goin' anywhere. Tonight's gonna be great.

Cricket started trembling where he stood.

Bill: "Uh, Cricket, are you okay?"

Cricket: "I lost the steaks!"

Bill: "What?"

Cricket: "It was only partially my fault, I swear! It was that darn robot man!"

Bill: "...Oh, boy."

Tilly: "Can we get more steaks, Papa?"

Bill: "Not unless we have another month's savings lying around."

Gramma: "Well, don't look at me. My money's tied up with the Feds."

Y/N: "I'd be more than willing to buy more."

Cricket: "Don't worry. I can get our steaks back."

The train stops at Tenth Street Station.

Cricket: "We just have to go back to the last station and grab 'em."

Bill: "No, Cricket, we're not going back-"

Cricket: "Too late! I'm already doing it!" He's exited the train onto the station.

Bill: "CRICKET!" He, Tilly, Gramma and Y/N got off the train to follow Cricket. "Hurry! Hurry! Before the doors close-"

They already do but the train door caught Bill's right arm while carrying a grocery bag. "Ah! Don't worry about me, just go get Cricket."

Tilly: "Aye-aye, Papa." She turns to a group of rats, among them is the one she met earlier. "Linda, Alfred, you and the gang go get Cricket. Crazy Dave, you just do you. Roll out!"

The sewer rats do so, and stop at a pizza slice laying on the subway floor. They eat it.

Tilly: "Aww. Well, that is just too cute."

Cricket: "OK. Let's see. Fifth Street Station."

Conductor: "Fifth Street Station! All aboard this train to Fifth Street Station! My job is to say that this train is going to Fifth Street Station!"

Cricket: "Steaks, here I come!"

Bill was struggling to get his grocery bag out of the train door.

Bill: "Oh, come on! Aaah!" The grocery bag rips apart, and most of the groceries fall out. "Our potater salad ingredients! Rest in peace..."

Cricket: "Come on, Dad! Steaks are this way!"

Bill: "Cricket, come back here!"

Cricket struggled to find his way through a large crowd

Cricket: "Hurry, Dad! This way! Almost there!"

Bill followed Cricket while also struggling to find his way through the crowd. "Oh, gosh. S-Sorry. Excuse me. Pardon me! Trying to get to my son! Cricket, come back!"

Cricket continued running.

Bill: "Cricket!" He wipes away his sweat. "Slow down, son! Daddy's heart!"

Cricket: "Dad, we're almost to the-" He stopped in front of an angry pink fluffy dog. "Ah!"

Dog: "Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!"

Bill grabbed Cricket. "Gotcha! We're goin' home!"

Man: "Excuse me, sir. Do you have a moment to talk about the environment?"

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