Legacy of Valor

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In the face of danger, they stand tall,
Their valor is a beacon answering destiny's call
With their hearts ablaze and their spirits high,
For the love of their motherland, they touch the sky.
Staring death straight in the eye they didn't buck or yield
When faced with the cruelty of this world, their determination was revealed
They pushed forward, their roars filled with furious rage, anguish, and despair
Their sole aim was to honor their motherland, they'd tell
In medals gleaming, stories unfold,
A declamation of bravery, both young and old.
Their gallantry is etched in history's embrace, a tale for centuries to come
Even though they have fallen their lives are not in vain
Because their memory serves as an example to us all
In our hearts, their meaning is forever sown,
For the glory and legacy of courageousness, for our spirits to own 

NOTE: Believe it or not, this poem was inspired by Attack on Titan 

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