Final Breath

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I observe the beauty of flowers and the pure bliss of innocence on the faces of dancing children.

I feel the warmth of sunlight on my face and the gentle breeze caressing my face, tousling my hair. 

I smell the salty scent of the ocean and the earthy aroma after a rain. 

The laughter of children and the sorrowful cries of widowed wives are becoming louder as time passes by. 

I feel it deeply and witness everything all at once.

I remember the cruelties I inflicted on all the people I hurt, their cold stares behind my back.

Now, as I approach my final breath, those memories resurface, haunting me, 

Regrets and failures weigh me down, draining the essence of life from me.

At this moment, as I draw my last breath, I realize my true fear wasn't death itself. 

It was the fear of leaving this world alone, without someone by my side,

without a comforting hand to hold and reassuring words that everything would be alright, 

not just for me, but for them as well.

In this final moment, I yearn for peace and rest, 

a chance to find solace. 

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