Loss of Innocence

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The day I lost my childhood, I also lost my innocence,

I transformed into someone unrecognizable, someone I never thought I could become. 

Perhaps that person was always within me, waiting for the moment when my innocent mind would be shattered.

Losing my innocence taught me harsh lessons about life at a very young age.

It revealed that adults, despite their appearance of maturity, are simply grown-up children without any guidance. 

They too yearn for the comfort of their mother's embrace but are unable to shed tears freely.

The world around me now appears vile and vicious, a place where everyone seems to be hurting somebody else. 

People are so consumed by worry about their future that they forget to live in the present moment.

Losing my innocence has made me realize that fairy tales were always preferable to real life, created as an escape from the harsh realities of the world.

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