[E] Chapter 31 - Aftermath, Waking up...

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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: 10th January 1084

Location: County of Toron, Victoria

POV: Narrator

Kal'tsit is now watching a heart rate monitor while performing medical checks upon a certain ashen-haired Pythian on a medical bed, the patient had done nary a movement other than her beating heart.

"How does our fair maiden fare so far, Dame Kal'tsit? It has been 10 days after all. It was a horrifying misfortune to have seen her like that." Naturally, his and Thomson's men were involved during the recovery process and keeping the situation under control.

"She is stable now, her skin has mostly reformed. The bleeding had stopped, and her complexion had turned for the better."

"Glad to hear it, I'm still quite baffled with her situation back then." Vincent can vividly recall her body which was bereft of skin.

"Hmm... can such a thing be truthfully caused by arts?" he wondered aloud, he is by no means an expert but no one said anything about needing to be one to speculate.

"Speculatively yes, Terra was never unacquainted with new excitement that is eager for attention. She has an astounding resilience and adaptability. I had checked up on her rotted flesh and found an intriguing insight, however, I must sternly remind you that I shall not share anything regarding a patient's current status."

"That's understandable, but... do we honestly need to conceal this fact from her father?" she said nothing but focusing on the periodic chart in hand. She did consider his words... it is just that...

'Immanuel is old, too old in fact, even for his kin. Give him something like this and I'm afraid he will finally crack under pressure... he still can't, or most likely never will if I'm being honest, accept the fact that Aurelia passed away with their stillborn twins. His face when he knew it was one of suffocating emptiness.' Thus she shifts the topic elsewhere while fiddling with her pen.

"Had Arkell managed to be hale and hearty once more?"

"He had recovered most excellently, to think that the Duke of-"

"It would be prudent to halt where it is."

"... Ahem, Arkell had said that he will be here by the next moon. Other than that, the County is quiet. Just as I always envisioned."

"Toron will grow, how far it can grow is the question..."

"A small price, a small sacrifice, all for Toron's satisfice, thus it will suffice."

"Victorian cas-"

"*cough* *cough* *wheeze* *cough* *cough*!"

Nyx is suddenly coughing like mad. Her skin unraveled once more. Kal'tsit, without panicking, starts applying for more medical aid. Vincent, despite his image, positioned himself close by and awaited her instruction raptly.

"Please bring me the arts suppressant along with the inflammation gels and bleeding medicine on the table to the left."

"Of course."

The Cleric is checking on Nyx's heart rate which has been jumping rapidly and inconsistently.

"How is her respiration?" Vincent then handed her the arts suppressant, already uncapped for injection.

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