Act 1, Scene 5

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(Audrey's point of view)

She had done it. She had finally figured out a plan of escape...

...ok, that's giving it too much credit. You couldn't really call it a full-fledged escape plan, because even if it was carried out fully, at the end of the plan, the escape wouldn't happen.

At least, not yet.

A while ago, her legs had finally finished healing, so she could go with Sammy and Henry to their mandatory meal breaks.

(Norman wasn't allowed to be escorted with them, since he didn't have a body, the Keepers saw no reason to escort him)

Anyways, while she was in the giant cafeteria, she saw one of the communication devices that she had spoken with Alice on a couple times.

If one of them could get access to it, then they could call Alice for help to break Audrey and the Cyclebreakers out!

There was just one problem in Audrey's way; there were Keepers guarding the device.

Hell, not just guarding the device, they were everywhere! If one of them tried to sneak their way over to it, they'd be seen and caught in minutes.

But if there was something to distract the Keepers, then one of them could sneak their way over to the device and call for help.

She explained all of this to her cellmates at the table.

Sammy was on board with it, but Henry had his doubts.

"Audrey, those devices were made by the Keepers to communicate with each other throughout the studio. Do you really think it's a good idea to call for help on their channel?" Henry asked.

"Wait, but Alice and I've used tons of them to talk to each other. If it's their private channel then how come neither of us have gotten caught?" Audrey countered.

"That is a good point." Henry admitted.

"If I may interject, those devices were made during the very start of the Keepers' era. And the Keepers seem to be a collective hivemind these days. Is it not possible for them to evolved past the need for them, thereby allowing the devices to fall into public use?" Sammy deduced.

"That's...probably right. Good job Sammy, that was a really logical deduction!" Henry said, complementing Sammy.

Ever since their spat a while ago (a spat SHE started, she thought, feeling mildly embarrassed), Henry had made more of an effort to be more positive towards Sammy.

Well, his talk about Bendy and religion have noticeably decreased, so that's something. He and Norman have fought less too.

Things were looking up for the four of them, they had come together as a team, a unit.

She had faith that now they could work together and escape.

"Audrey are you listening?" Henry asked, shaking her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh sorry, can you repeat that?"

"I said that if Alice trusts the device enough to try it, then it's probably safe. Let's give your plan a try." Henry said.

"Yes!" Audrey celebrated.

"I'll sneak over to the device while you and Sammy make a distraction." Henry proposed.

Audrey had no problems with it, but Sammy apparently did.

"Oh please, your parents used to yell at you for closing doors too loudly, you're incapable of stealth." Sammy snarkily remarked.

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