Chapter 12

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After walking for what felt like forever and either killing or avoiding the zombies, we both made it to the canteen at the third floor. I didn't even realised that I was hungry until I saw an untouched burger with fries on the bench.

There weren't really any zombies around, only a few dead bodies on the ground and some things scattered around. Feitan took the lead towards the food and I followed closely, not putting my guard down even for a split second.

When we got to the food, I stared at the burger and it looked like it was the most tastiest burger I've ever seen in my whole life. I almost felt myself drooling so I shook my head and recollected myself.

I was about to say something but was interrupted by a loud growling noise and I felt my face flushed in embarrassment. 

"You eat, me not hungry." Feitan while standing guard.

I quickly picked up the burger and split it into half then handed it to him.

"You need energy just in case you need to save me again." As much as I hate to admit it, I'm pretty sure Feitan will save me again and again even though he hates being with me.

Or does?

I could see that Feitan was about to reject my offer so I took his hands and put the burger. 

"Please, I insist. I don't want you telling your friends that I ate a whole burger to myself." I told him and he just shrugged.

He removed his scarf and for the first time in my life I saw his whole face. I've always thought that he was hiding it because he had an ugly face but I was wrong. I cleared my throat when I noticed that I was staring at him and turned around to eat my piece of burger.

My mind wandered off to everything that recently happened. One moment I was fighting the Phantom troupe, then suddenly I was sent to the detention and then there were zombies. I wished that all of this was just a dream but even if I pinched myself a hundredth times, I would never wake up from this nightmare as this was all real.

I wonder how my family was doing, hoping they would all still be alive. My friends who were separated from me, I know they won't leave without me and Kurapika will keep his promise of coming back for me but I wasn't putting my hopes up as he too would had been doing his best to survive.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and saw a weird looking creature. It was a person for sure but it didn't look like a person. His whole body were green and his veins were showing every part of his body.

His eyes were still intact but it looked like it was almost popping out. He was walking in a weird way like limping and shuffling and his mouth were filled with blood.

"I-i-i-i... hu-nger..." He spoke, blood streaming out of his mouth as he speaks.

His voice sounded rusty like he hasn't talked in years and it sent shivers down my spine. 

Even though I was so scared, I quickly ate the burger on my hand as I wasn't stupid enough to either not eat it with all the chaos or let the ground enjoy it.

Food is more important!

"Stay behind me, this zombie different." Feitan told me and I almost scoff.

Yeah, no shi-

"I HUNGER!" The green zombie shrieked while lunging towards us.

It happened in a blink of an eye and my eyes couldn't even keep up with what was happening in front of me.

All I could see was the zombie tried biting Feitan but Feitan managed to dodge and blocked him.

This green zombie was different than other zombies, it was way faster and stronger than the other zombies we have encountered.

Heck I wasn't even sure if that green creature was a zombie or a monster. The zombie let out another piercing shrieked when Feitan sliced his left hand.

It then suddenly started attacking aimlessly and he managed to knocked Feitan back so hard that he crashed into a wall.

"Feitan!" I called out while running towards him but soon stopped when the zombie went in between.

"Y/-n! R-run!" I couldn't even hear Feitan, my mind was fuzzy and I was frozen in my spot.

I could feel the green zombie's aura engulfing me, as if it's eating my very soul and telling me that it was the end for me.

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. My heart was pounding louder than ever before and I could feel my sweats slowly dripping from my forehead. The zombie opened it's mouth, probably shrieking again but I didn't hear any sound aside from the sound of a machine indicating that the patient had died.

Is this the end for me?

That was all I could think of when the green zombie charged towards me, ready to sink his rotting teeth and eat the flesh out of me.

The End of the World (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now