Chapter 10

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That's when you realized the noise from the dead creatures were getting louder.

"Run!" Feitan repeated and you looked at him.

"No! We need to get you out of here!" You stated and he scoff.

"Leave me! Run!" Feitan glared into your eyes and you could see desperation in them.

He really wanted you to run, but you're not going to leave him alone. He saved your life so many times so it was your turn to return the favour.

"Stop talking and help me push this thing off!" You shouted and he widen his eyes.

"Save yourself brat! Run!" Feitan was now angry, he wanted you to leave but you didn't want to.

You turned to him with tears in your eyes and he widen his eyes.

"No! I will get you out of here no matter what! And stop wasting your breath because I ain't going anywhere without you! I won't leave you here!" You lock your eyes with his and he was shock by what you said.

"Damn it!" He grumbled under his breath.

He then sigh in defeat and changed his position so he can help you push the rock. The rock moved a little bit but it wasn't still enough. Your body was beginning to ache and you didn't feel it but your hands were bleeding as it get scratched by the sharp rocks.

You didn't feel the pain, all you cared at that moment is to get Feitan out of the rock and leave the place.

"No use, you have to leave." Feitan told you softly and this was the first time that the tone of his voice changed. "Please..."

"Leave now you stupid useless brat! Leave and run!" His voice increased and you looked away.

"No, I'm sorry but I can't leave you. Not like this. You can call me useless, stupid, brat or the most dumbest person in Earth! I still won't leave you!" You continued pushing the rock and Feitan had no choice but to help you.

'I won't leave you! Not like this! We may have a bad past but this is not the time to hold grudges on each other' You thought.

As soon as you felt the rock moving a little bit, you had hope. You used all your strength and Feitan did too. You heard the zombies again, they were getting closer than before.

You didn't waste any more time and used your remaining strength to push the rock off, which was successful. You breathed so hard while panting, you saw Feitan's pants was ripped off and his left ankle was in a bad shape.

Hearing the screaming again you walk towards him and put his arm around your shoulder then helped him up.

"Come on, we need to get out of here." You loudly whispered and the two of you started walking, Feitan limping beside you.

Feitan then got a gadget out and throw it to where he was stuck before. When you were ten meters away from it, Feitan took out a small remote control and pressed a button. The gadget that he left started playing a really loud music.

They see me rollin
They hatin
Patrolling they tryin to catch me ridin dirty

"Seriously?" You ask Feitan as you heard the song and he just shrug.

"It first song on my list." Feitan defended and you just shook your head.

Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty

My music so loud
I'm swangin
They hopin that they gon catch me ridin dirty

Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty

The two of you went to the corner and stayed there for a while and watch as the eyeless zombies run past the two of you. You couldn't even count how many they were, some were students and some were your previous teachers while the rest are normal people who used to live a normal life.

Then out of the blue, two of the zombies stop running and slowly turned to the both of you. These two zombies were different, they have eyes, which scares you because they both can see you. 

"Ah shit..." You murmured as you and Feitan started walking again.

You noticed the two zombies who can see weren't running, in fact they were fast walking towards the two of you. You saw a broken chair nearby so you let go of Feitan and picked the leg part of the chair.

"Wait here." You whispered to Feitan and managed to kill one of the zombie.

The other zombie continued running towards the sound, ignoring the fact that you're right in front of them. The zombie that you're fighting shrieked at you, making the eyeless zombie stops on their track.

You quickly smashed his head before the eyeless zombie discovers you. You rushed beside Feitan and saw him smirking.

"What?" You whispered as he puts his arms around you.

"Not bad, thought me have to help you." Feitan jokingly said and you rolled your eyes.

"What do you think of me, someone who can't fight? Besides, how can you help me if you're injured." You pointed out and Feitan scoffed.

"Don't underestimate me." Feitan stated and you just rolled your eyes.

The End of the World (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now