4: I will Always Protect you Finn

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One night, Simon was walking Finn home

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One night, Simon was walking Finn home. He was visiting Lumpy Space Princess to see if she could help as well.

Baby Finn was slightly sleepy and sucking his thumb in Simon's arms. "Just a little further, Finn. We will be home soon," Simon reassured him.

Finn then yawned and grabbed Simon's finger. Simon just smiled at him. "Da...da.."

"Awe," Simon chuckled. He was touched that Finn called him Dada.

Suddenly he heard a growl nearby. Simon looked worried. He looked around and suddenly saw a herd of wolves coming towards him. Simon's face went to fear and ran. The wolves then chased them.

Baby Finn looked scared and gripped on Simon's suit as he ran. "Don't worry, Finn, I will get you out of this!"

Simon then tripped over a log and tumbled down hill. He held and shielded Finn as he tumbled down. Once they stopped rolling down, he pushed himself up with one hand and looked up. The wolves growled up hill. He got up holding Finn as he kept running trying to loose them. He ran in a stream to make the wolves loose their scent, and found a cave. He ran inside and hid holding Finn close. The wolves howled looking for them. Soon Simon noticed they ran off since they lost their scent.

Simon sighed, slide his back down on the cave wall and looked down at Finn. He was safe. Unharmed. "Oh thank, Glob. I'm so glad you're alright."

He then set him down, wrapped his jacket around Finn and set up a campfire. He took out his pocket matches and started the fire. He sighed and turned to Finn and picked him up. Finn lifted his hand and held his face.


Simon teared up happily and smiled. "You're a tough little guy. I was worried that you got hurt when we fell."

Finn smiled and grabbed his nose. Simon chuckled. "Oh, Finn."

Finn then cooed at him. Simon smiled and kissed his forehead. "I promise you, Finn, I will never ever let anything bad happen to you. I will always protect you."

Finn clapped his hands happily and Simon smiled at him.

All night, he watched over Finn. By dawn he continued walking home. Once home, Jake and BMO were waiting for them and were in shock, "Simon!" Jake gasped, "you look terrible. What happened?"

"We were being chased by wolves." Simon said, "but everything is alright for Finn. He's not hurt which I am thankful."

Jake picked up baby Finn, "you do look ok, little guy." Jake smiled.


"Woe! Did he just call me uncle!?"

"It sounds like it. He called me dad," Simon smiled.

"What about me?" BMO walked over.


"What?!" BMO gasped and Simon and Jake laughed.

"BMO is the auntie," Jake laughed.

Finn then pointed at Jake "Unkie!" Then to BMO, "Antie."

Jake continued to laugh unaware what Finn was saying. Simon guessed it and chuckled.

"Yeah and apparently I'm your wife, Jake," BMO said.

Jake was laughing, but then stopped, "Wait what!?"

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