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The flight was long but my anticipation was getting the better of me. Seeing Mike and my parents was the most happiness thought I could have that gave me the desire to carry on fighting and getting stronger. Mike and my parents have been busy lately with the company which I had put them as the sole owners until when I am in need of its service or resources.Walking out of the boarding area I could spot Mike holding up a sign with my name on it. I walked towards him and when he saw Me, he enveloped me in his arms for a bear hug.

"Come on now Mike", I said laughing

"It's been ages", he said in a half joking smile

"Really now, what gave it away", I said rolling my eyes 😒

Mike was the best brother and the only friend I had before starting my spy training.
He handed my suitcase to the chauffeur, we bored the back seats as I listened in on what he had to say.

" What?", He asked startled at my staring

"Well I'm waiting", I said

" What for?", He asked again clueless of my signs

"So when I'm I going to meet her?", I said in a mocking tone which by his change in expression he had already gotten the idea and intention of my question.

"Soon", he said Cleary, looking uncomfortable. 😐

I laughed until my tears fell, I didn't know why he felt like that but it clearly gave away my amusement.As I stared into the familiar road that flowed me with memories of a family that I wished for. We arrived at home and we lived in a so-called house that other people prefer, referring to a mansion.

The Raytons where highly known as the Smiths in new York since the new Yorkers never saw our faces they assumed dad was  the founder of the SMITH COOPERATION. I never tried correcting them since I was busy with my own work and cases.

As the car pulled into the front yard, the door to my side was Suddenly flung open, and my mother Barbra Rayton pulled me out and engulfed me in a big bear hug.

"Mom I can't breathe", I struggled even though that was basically nothing, but I just hated close contact and they knew it.

"Alright, but You're luckily getting out of this one young lady", she said pouting her lips

We went in, I rushed in my room to unpack my bags in a room that never changed ever since I left. My room was plain white since I would usually change my room colour with in every two weeks, it helps me bond In with the colour depending on how I would in an undercover mission.

After unpacking I had changed my room wall paper into pink with a shade of white.
I went down stairs and saw dad as always screening through the news on his laptop with his coffee at hand.

"Hi dad!", I said in an exciting tone.

"Hey pumpkin", he answered in the same enthusiastic tone.

" How's the company?", I asked.

"It's great, the share markets have been increasing thus making us on par with the Tylons", he answered beaming with pride and excitement.

The Tylons and the Smiths business partnership has been the most profit making deal that was struck 7 years ago. The partnership devoured almost 96.7% of the American economy, with their policies of economic growth and development. The deal was then put to a cancellation when the New president of the Tylons was elected. This put some of our projects on hold since at first we highly depended on the partnership. Dad usually was the oldest and most experienced in business; he was the one who handled the political and economic matters. He stepped out as the vice president when the company's shareholders started a rebellion.The company's headquarters were located in Boston during the partnership but after the cancellation we decided to expand.  Its main branch in San Francisco grew and was now the current headquarters. But dad still remained in Philadelphia to deal with the Smith's economic headquarters in Boston. I went back and got prepared for my trip to Boston. I had packed every pink and white outfit that would make me post out as an innocent teen.

TAMED BY MY LITTLE SPYWhere stories live. Discover now