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        Nestled in the mountainside of the Netherlands was the small city of Höckendam. The city was the only with a significant population within a hundred mile radius; it provided a source of external goods while they offered a sense of protection for the townspeople. Whenever there was a trip made, he volunteered to make the trip, but only in hopes to see her.

         Luck was on his side this time. He caught glimpse of her as she slipped out of the market's front door. With her she carried two bags, both seeming to be significantly full of goods. He drank in all of her because it wasn't often they crossed paths.

         The town wasn't as bustling as other days, but there was enough happening that allowed for him to blend into the background as he observed. His mask aided in camouflaging with surrounding shadows. He could feel his heart begin to race as she walked towards him, but not for him. She was simply making her way down the street and off in the distance as she did frequently. He never dared to venture further. In the month he had discovered her, a word was never exchanged - not even a glance. Yet, her beauty captivated him and caused a spark to strike in his chest each time.

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