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The early morning in Tokyo was characterized by the gentle serenade of chirping birds, as students prepared for school and some readied themselves for a day at the office. Sunlight filtered through the room's window, casting a warm glow, and the melodious avian chorus resonated throughout the house. Little did anyone know that this tranquil silence would soon be shattered.

The sound of the room's door creaking open disrupted the peaceful ambiance. Hyeon had been sleeping soundly in her bed when, in the blink of an eye, she found herself abruptly pulled from her slumber by her legs. With a sharp and unexpected descent, she landed on the floor with an "Ouch." Her eyes fluttered open, only to reveal an empty room with the door ajar, leaving her bewildered and startled.

Hyeon quickly discerned that it was just her mischievous friends playing a prank on her. With an exasperated sigh, she rose from the floor and discovered the five culprits giggling mischievously in the hallway.

"I can't believe you guys woke me up like this," Hyeon scolded.

"We wanted to give you a wake-up call you'd never forget!" Akio, one of her best friends, replied.

Hyeon couldn't resist laughing, despite her initial irritation. "Well, you certainly succeeded in that," she admitted.

As they all shared a hearty laugh, Hyeon realized just how fortunate she was to have friends who could brighten up even the groggiest of mornings.

"Kids, come and have breakfast," Seojun's voice resounded through the hallways.

They hastened to the dining room, their hungry stomachs eagerly anticipating the meal. There, they discovered Seojun, wearing a warm smile, meticulously setting the table with a delectable breakfast spread. The room was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and crispy bacon.

"Good morning, my little devils," he greeted them as they settled around the table.

"Morning, dad/uncle," they chorused, their faces radiating excitement.

He reciprocated their enthusiasm, placing a plate of pancakes in front of each of them. As they delved into their breakfast, he directed his attention to Hyeon. "Hyeon." He began. Hyeon looked at him

"Yes, dad," she responded.

"I need you to go to Canada for a mission," he explained, his tone carrying a weight of seriousness. Her heart quickened, fully aware that her father's missions were always of great significance.

"Canada? What's the mission?" she inquired, a mixture of curiosity and concern in her voice.

Leaning in closer, he whispered, "We've received a report about the world's largest mafia, 2J, engaging in illegal activities at their concealed headquarters. However, no one has ever managed to gather concrete evidence."

She nodded, her determination unwavering, as she finished the last of her pancakes. "I'll prepare my gear and leave right away, Dad."

"Sol-ah and Ren will be accompanying you."

"Alright." They responded 

With a proud smile, her father was certain he had made the right decision, fully confident in her ability to face this challenge. The mission to Canada was set to commence, little did he know that this choice would alter the course of everyone's lives.


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Words Count- 550

The Augury (On Hold)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora