"Actually, it's nothing to do with the father. It's all to do with the mother." Marge said. Harry started to head back into the kitchen. "You see it all the time with dogs. If something's wrong with the bitch, then something's wrong with the pup."

Lily watched the screen in disbelief. What was most staggering to her was that Petunia didn't say anything to defend her. She knew that she and her sister didn't have the best relationship but she didn't think it was to this extent.

Everyone at the table went white and even Marge's dog began to whimper.

Harry threw the towel on the ground and turned to shout at Marge.
Shut up! Shut up!"

Harry's eyes began to burn with rage and Marge looked at him sternly. Just as she opened her mouth to say something, someone knocked on the front door.

"Oh thank god." Euphemia sighed in relief.

Everyone turned to the sound of the knocking and seemed to holding their breath. Harry walked over to the front door and opened it to find Cathy standing there with Regulus, Ryan and Neville.

"Aunt Cathy." Harry breathed.

"Hey Harry--" Cathy immediately felt that something was off about her nephew. "Are you alright?  Is there something wrong?"

"I'll go get my stuff." Harry said and quickly turned and ran up the stairs.

"I pray she does something." Mary said.

"That was odd." Regulus said.

"Yeah." Cathy murmured. "Ryan, Neville, go help Harry."

"Kay." Ryan said. He went up the stairs with Neville following after him.

Cathy turned to Regulus who seemed as puzzled as she was. Cathy stepped into the house and walked in. As she crossed into the kitchen she found herself standing in front of the Dursley family and Marge and her dog.

"Evening, Vernon." Cathy greeted. "Just here to pick up Harry and we'll be out of your hair."

"Evening--" Vernon began to say.

"Who do you think you are to just barge into this house without premission?" Marge demanded.

Petunia made a small squeeking sound and Vernon gave out a sputtering sound.

"Oh no." Barty said.

"Oh yes." Evan said.

Cathy turned to Marge.

"First of all, rude. Second, I'm Cathy Potter, Harry's aunt."

"So you're that boys family? What did I say Vernon." Marge started to laugh.

"Who the fuck is this bitch?" Cathy snapped back silencing Marge and her laughter.

"Here we go." Sirius said.

Everyone in the audience started to gear up for the confrontation.

Marge now seemed to be completely shocked.

"I beg your pardon!" Marge gasped.

"Beg all you want I'm not repeating myself." Cathy said.

"Sorry." Regulus interjected. "You'll have to forgive my wife, she's a tad bit sleep deprived. We have newborn twins at home. I don't believe we've actually met before. I'm Regulus Black, Cathy's husband."

"Butt out, Black!" Someone shouted as they watched him try to deescalate the situation.

"Rude." Regulus said.

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