4: Octavian isn't homophobic, he's Greekphobic

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─────Everything was going great (as great as it could go with Octavian), before Leo went crazy. 

"Everything in the sickbay is up to the health standards, you can thank Chiron for that" Vincent gestured to the first-aid equipment in all the cabinets. 

Octavian still didn't look satisfied. He kept grumbling about war machine to which Leo added— "Not just any war machine, it's a spankin' hot war machine" which Vince figured wasn't doing much to make Octavian amiable. 

"Octavian" Vincent fixed him with a stare as they all made their way up the stairs again. Leo was a few steps ahead so he went on. It was just him and the blonde. "We're not here to destroy New Rome"

Vincent knew a little about charmspeak, and he had talked with Piper about how she used it, how she knew what to say and what would have the intended effect. He may not be able to do that, but he could use his powers at the same time as trying to convince Octavian. If nothing else, that should at least make him more trusting. 

"Those weapons you showed me— the ballistae and the crossbows, how and why should we accept your word for peace?" Octavian narrowed his beady little eyes at Vincent. 

"You know, Cas told me you were uptight, but he never said how much" Vincent took a step up so the two were standing on the same step, effectively making Vincent taller. 

The blonde was maybe eighteen from the looks of it with crazed blue eyes like he might jump from the ship at any second. He was skinny with sunken eyes and skin so pale he looked like a ghost. According to Percy, he was a legacy of Apollo, though he looked more like a watered down and washed out version of the Apollo campers from Camp Halfblood. 

Vincent couldn't help but compare Octavian to the lively and funny Will Solace back home. They had no resemblance other than their light hair. 

"Cassian says a lot of things" Octavian grumbled, "Half the time he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's gone crazy ever since Jason vanished. Maybe even before that. You know, I think I distinctly remember him losing his mind after the battle on Mount Othrys. You're all the same— deranged, gone crazy. And Reyna expects me to trust you?"

"Cassian is the sanest one of you guys I've met until now" Vince snorted, "And you think you're any better with all the teddy bears around your waist?"

Octavian looked a little self conscious at the mention of the stuffed animals. 

"I don't care what Reyna says" Octavian leaned in, "Or Cassian. You Greeks will not be the fall of Rome"

"Oh you mean again?" Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Rome already fell once. Remember?"

Apparently that wasn't making Octavian any more friendly. Vincent had by now given up. He wished his friends would hurry the fuck up and get on the ship already. The more time Vincent spent with this guy, the more he was tempted to be violent. 

"Vince?" Leo yelled from somewhere above them, "Octavian? You guys, I forgot to show the best part— Festus has speaker built in—Hey Festus, play Taylor Swift!"

Vincent bit his lip to hide his growing smile. Octavian was such a damper on his mood, Vincent didn't even want to smile next to him, as if he could suck the joy out of the air. 

"Trust us, don't trust us, you gotta make up your mind quick" Vincent told him, "Gaea is rising, you can't deny that. We have a prophecy, we have a quest. We need to stop wasting time and leave quickly. If Gaea rises, there will be no Greeks vs. Romans. It will be bloodshed. Just death"

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