Entrances & Encounters

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We take our seats within the bustling conference room, where attendees scramble to find their places. In the midst of the commotion, the captivating woman from earlier arrives. Her hair gracefully falls into place, swaying with perfection as she claims a spot at the front. A smile graces her lips, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes, which appear somewhat puffy, as if she's been crying all day. Her makeup does little to conceal the signs, yet she manages to pull off the look beautifully.

Laura, smitten, whispers, "She's very beautiful," capturing our shared acknowledgment of her charm. Eusema can't resist a playful remark, "There's no way she's going to be checking for you. She's probably the new CEO."

Laura responds with a smirk and a light chuckle, "I can get anyone I want. All I need is a little charm." We react with eye rolls and headshakes in response to Laura's banter. Eusema's teasing is cut short when our department head strides into the room, instantly commanding the room's attention. As he approaches the front, he shares a warm smile with the young lady seated before us, drawing us into their dynamic.

"I thank you all for gathering here today," he begins, pausing briefly. "I know we've never done this before, but we have a new CEO taking over from Mr. Luca Mancini." My thoughts briefly drift to the mention of that last name, a reminder of my college days, but I'm swiftly drawn back to the present as he clears his throat once more.

"...With all that said, help me welcome the new CEO, who will be taking over Cedar-Micheals Law Firm." Mr. Liam Mancini...


As my name is called, I make my entrance, exuding a commanding presence that captures immediate attention. The room falls silent as I confidently advance to the front, establishing an unspoken connection with the onlookers. I deliberately remove my suit jacket, revealing my strong, tattooed arms as I roll up my shirt sleeves. The subtle whispers of intrigue ripple through the room as I continue to roll my sleeves, heightening the magnetic aura that surrounds me. The attendees remain captivated by my entrance, the room filled with hushed conversations. To gather their attention, I clear my throat, prompting a hush to fall over the crowd, signaling my readiness to address the gathering.

My piercing gaze scans the room, exuding an air of dominance as I address the crowd. I pivot towards a group of women in the corner, and our eyes lock in a charged moment. Our eyes lock and become the center of attention in the room, a silence descending upon us. Every gaze is now fixed on Bunny and me. I whisper her name, "Bunny," and Ava beside me responds with an annoyed cough, bringing me back to the present.

I refocus, meeting Ava's expectant gaze, and then redirect my attention to the room. All eyes in the room remain fixed on the unfolding dynamic between Bunny, Ava, and me.

Upon concluding my address, the room gradually disperses as everyone returns to their positions. I surreptitiously scan the crowd, keen on locating Bunny without appearing overly eager. My attention is suddenly drawn to Bunny, who hastily exits the room, accompanied by three perplexed girls. As Ava kisses my cheek and seeks my attention, sliding her arms beneath mine, annoyance glimmers in her eyes. She edges closer, whispering in my ear while inquiring, "Do you know her?" Her eyes lock onto mine, but I evade her intense gaze. Aiming her view towards the door through which Bunny disappeared, Ava swiftly draws connections and rounds on me with unmistakable annoyance, asking, "It's her, isn't it? She's the reason you don't touch me anymore."


"You know him," Eusema tries to catch up to me, her tone insistent.

"No, why would I know him?" I respond, my brows furrowing. "We all just got introduced to him. I've never seen or met him before."

Eusema, Laura, and Lori exchange a questioning look before turning their attention back to me. Laura advises, "Slow down, Rob."

"I have to use the bathroom. I'll see you guys later," I announce, feeling a sudden urgency.

"Are you okay, Rob?" Laura inquires with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll talk to you guys later," I assure them as I hurry off in search of the nearest restroom.

"Okay, see you later," Laura says, waving as she heads back to her office with Eusema. I turn to Lori and give her my instructions, "Lori, get back to the office. If anyone asks for me, let them know I'm a bit busy. Don't let them enter my office, do you understand?"

"Yes, Rob," Lori replies, showing her understanding and readiness to carry out my orders.

 I start to hyperventilate as I reach the bathroom. The encounter has left me flustered and questioning my own senses. I need to calm down; it can't possibly be who I think it is. My mind must be playing tricks on me. With shaky hands, I turn the faucet on, splashing my face with cold water and patting it dry, hoping the simple act will help steady my nerves.

After taking a few deep breaths and regaining some composure, I make my way back to my office, fervently hoping I won't bump into him again.


"This is Robyn Williams' office, correct?" I inquire, addressing the woman seated at the front desk outside Bunny's office. Her eyes light up at the sight of me, and she stammers, "Ye... Yes, but she's not in, sir."

With a calm demeanor, She responds, "If you don't mind, Sir, you could wait for her here," gesturing towards an empty seat nearby.

I glance at the seat she's pointed out and turn to her with an intense, unwavering gaze. I move closer to her, lowering myself to her eye level. She averts her eyes, but I gently lift her chin with my finger, compelling her to meet my gaze.

"I am the CEO, did you forget?" I assert in a stern voice. "I don't sit in a waiting area, you could lose your job this instant. I know Bunny taught you better." She nods fervently, fully comprehending the weight of the situation.

I straighten up, slip my hands into my pockets, and stride toward Bunny's office. As I enter her sanctuary, I inhale deeply, savoring her unique scent, which fills the room and intensifies my longing for her. I leisurely stroll around the office, admiring every detail before settling into her chair, where I can feel her presence close at hand.

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