'Thank you' he paused before pulling me in closer.

Kissing me playfully, pecking my neck as we giggled. Teasing me just so, it was blissful torture. It was fun but sometimes I'd wish we'd go a little further sometimes, it might be a bit early though for that. We hadn't even discussed the topic never mind discussed if we were a couple.

We just sort of made-out.
In private.
In the comfort of our rooms that was really it if we ruled out the minimal affection he gave my thigh during the radio show, well if Eddie wasn't there at least.

We weren't friends with benefits but we weren't together either.
What are we?

I frowned with a disgruntled hum causing Campbell to stop.

"What's wrong lovely? Did I make you uncomfortable angel? Was I doing it wrong?" He asked as I shrugged awkwardly. I wasn't exactly good at conversation sometimes, especially when it became serious, though I was good at what if's.

"No you're perfect, it's just- what exactly are we Campbell?" I asked, I wasn't angry or annoyed or upset I was just curious.

"Oh umm- that certainly is a question- umm- well we certainly act like a couple don't we? We kiss like one and flirt like one and call each other cutesy little pet names which umm- I'm still trying to figure out what works with my teeth." He said as I just stared.

"I'd say we're a couple, right?" He questioned, it should've been rhetorical but he was genuinely questioning the same as I.

"Sure." I muttered with a smile brushing back his curtain letting it fall back into his face.
"Thank you for sorting this out with me." I whispered pecking his cheek as I made myself comfortable beside him as he decided to clamber onto me.
"You finished kissing me now after that establishment of our status." He teased as I sighed a laugh through my nose.

"That's it we're a couple, now go do your own thing was it~" he pinched my nose giggling as I chuckled swatting his hand away to which he pinched my cheek.

"I just have a lot on my plate Campbell Bain." I told him as he huffed hugging my hips.

"I hope I'm one of them." He mumbled as I giggled.
"Oh trust me Campbell, you are most certainly on there! You are the broccoli on my plate, the Brussels sprouts if you will! Nobody wants to eat you but the rare few will." I cooed petting his head gently, like a dog.

"Oh wow, that's certainly poetic." He muttered sarcastically.
"Nobody wants me, that's cheerful." He smiled reluctantly as I gently raised his chin.

"Yeah but I want you Campbell~" I smirked as he gulped and laughed bashful.

"Oh- stop it you! That's my job!" He whined throwing himself off me and onto his back beside me. I leaned down to my upside down lover and pecked his lips.


Coco time grew near, as Campbell and I wandered the halls of the ward. Some other waited patiently by the cart as they set up the mugs and the whipped cream and marshmallows. I actually quite enjoyed coco time, I don't exactly know why but I just did.

I guess it felt nostalgic.

I yawned getting in line with Campbell, he gently rubbed my shoulder, holding me a little close as he tested the waters of affection. Nobody seemed to mind which was fine with me.

"We can get some coco and head to bed if you like." Campbell cooed as I shrugged.

I shrugged, I fear I've been shrugging a lot, I wonder why. I guess it's easier than answering, I was tired anyways, made sense to.

"I think I'd like that, I'm particularly tired tonight." I said as Campbell smiled.
"I know putting up with me is such hard work, you deserve a break." He smirked as I breathed a laugh out my nose.

We stepped forward as the line went down and my heart soon froze, I could feel cold sweats clamming my hands as I gazed upon Isabel who was handing out the coco tonight. My stomach bubbled gurgling as I felt stiff, Campbell continued forward holding onto me. I could only shuffle in anxious horror.

"Good evening boys, here for your coco." She smiled as Campbell answered her happily as I just watched in silence grabbing my mug.

She didn't even seemed phased with me standing here, I wonder how she does it. Just after being berated or yelled at or whatever, what makes her continue on with her job with life. It was weirdly inspiring.

"Well enjoy your night and please return your empty cups to here." She said as we walked off, Campbell thanked her as I just watched the contents in my cup. Guilt seeping in rather than sickness, I felt the need to apologise to her.

"Do you mind holding this? I just need to do something real quick." I asked Campbell as he was in the middle of biting the cream berg of his marshmallow covered hot chocolate.
"Course." He mumbled swallowing the contents in his mouth as I handed him my mug with a giggle and walked back over to Isabel.

I tried composing myself before reaching her.

"Uhh Isabel." I gulped as she turned to me for a moment before back at the patron she was serving.
"Yes Joe?" She said, not a hint of malice anywhere.
"I umm- I just came over to- uhh- to uhh-" I mentally groaned, this was a lot harder than I thought.
"Joe if you've come over to apologise I've already forgiven you, you were under a lot of distress so I don't blame you for lashing out at me." She said as I pursed my lips with a sullen 'oh.'

"I really am though, sorry that is, I've felt horrible all day because of it." I frowned, glancing down towards the floor.

"Aww Joe, it's really alright, I've dealt with worse." She said trying to reassure me, I could feel her hand on my shoulder rubbing it gently.
"Y'know it takes some guts to do what you just did and I'm proud of you, thank you for apologising Joe, it means a lot." She said with a smile before turning back to the small cue.

"Now go enjoy your coco." She shooed me off as I nodded heading back to Campbell.

"What was all that about?" He asked as I took back my cup.
"I'll tell you back in the room." I mumbled sipping at my cup as we shuffled back to my room.

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