Chapter Seven

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Oh the dreaded morning, I didn't even want to get up, neither did Campbell but he did so anyway. He loved breakfast, it would be his favourite time of day to eat something. As much as he loves his coco, breakfast towered it by far.

Campbell changed into his playful hoodie and jeans, I didn't even realise I was watching him till our eyes met.

"Sorry I was spacing out." I told him, sitting up rubbing my face. He hummed in response and turned facing the wall.
"What do you think is gonna happen to us?" I asked as Campbell turned to the door with a long sigh.
"I'm not sure, Isabel's usually harmless when it comes to punishments but Stevie on the other hand." He shuddered running a hand through his curtains.

"You coming?" He asked as I awed getting out of bed, I rummaged through my wardrobe grabbing a shirt and trousers, quickly throwing them on before following Campbell out to get breakfast.

"Like do you think they'll send us to solitary confinement? Or give us the cane? Or maybe make us clean up after everyone's breakfast, or-" I rambled, Campbell stopped outside the cafeteria, he placed his hands on my shoulders and shot a quick breath out his nose.

"They don't have Solitary confinement here- they do have a quiet room which I suppose is close enough, I'm sure they out ruled the cane rule as abuse and I don't think they'd trust us with chemicals- though on the other hand-" he hummed probably thinking about Rosalie and her detol.

"Here Joey let's not think about it this now alright, it's breakfast time!" Campbell said gently grasping my hand as he lured me in, a bubble of familiarity erupted in my stomach.

"That's fine but like what if-" I gulped as Campbell gave me a quick side glance.

"Please Joe, not now." He begged as I shut my mouth. Sometimes I couldn't help myself, I just think about the bad things and the what if's.

We got our breakfast and sat down at a table with Fergus.

"Hiya Fergus! How was the room by yourself? Didn't miss me too much did you?" Campbell grinned biting into his toast as Fergus smiled rolling his eyes as he enjoyed his own.

"Not one bit, it was actually quite peaceful." He said as Campbell scoffed.

Fergus had such an attractive voice, so well spoken and just a charming attitude in general.

"Yeah well, just remember that when I move in with Joe." Campbell said as Fergus shrugged unbothered, he found it rather amusing.

The atmosphere this morning seemed delightful and I certainly felt more at ease.


The afternoon rolled around and still no talk with Isabel, it made me wonder if she forgot about what happened last night in the radio station.

I hummed wandering the halls, I watched Eddie pass by quickly, he seemed panicked which was fair considering Campbell stole his key. I thought to follow, curious on how this could play out but I needn't to as I could hear them from where I stood.

Their voices carried down the hall.
Worried and serious, humorous and light.

I gulped and caved, following the voices, I watched from round the corner. Eddie confronted Campbell with an accused finger, wagging at him as he told him off. Campbell rolled his eyes trying to defend himself but Eddie wasn't hearing it.

Stevie and Isabel soon came over due to the commotion.

"What's going on here?" Isabel asked as Eddie huffed.
"I take it Campbell told you he stole your key." She said removing the key from her pocket, Eddie nodded, she passed him the key to which he clutched tightly in his fist.
"I've still to talk to you myself Campbell Bain, Where's Joe?" She asked as he shrugged. I gulped gripping the wall, oh the dreaded talk, the dreaded punishment. I gulped again and went to slink away till I was caught by Stevie, he pulled me out and I felt my hands fumble.

They trembled.

"Stalking us were ye." Campbell joked as I just looked down, though I fear it made me looked guilty.

"Listen boys, I'm sorry to do this to you's but a punishment has been discussed, I thought it'd be best to suspend you both from the Radio station for at least a week." She said holding up her hands like she was at gun-point, I just watched Campbells heart break, while his soul was crushed. The radio station was everything to him, I felt bad.

"But I need the radio station! It's my job!" Campbell whined.

"It's not your job Campbell, it's Eddie's, you just help run it second hand." Isabel stated as he clicked his tongue.
"Well it basically is- Isabel please! You can't do this to me- you know how much the radio station means to me! I'll take any other punishment please Isabel!" Campbell begged with Glassy eyes, it was hard to watch.

"I'm sorry Campbell, I really am, which is just making the second piece of the punishment hard enough." She sighed as Campbell frowned, running a hand through his dirty hair. I could only bite my lip nervous.

"Joe, for as long as Campbell is suspended from the Radio station you can no longer hang about each other." She said.

I felt sick.
To be separated from Campbell for a week, I don't know how well I'd do without him.

"That's utter bollocks! If the radio station wasn't enough- now I'm not allowed to be around my friend! How about you just take me away to be sedated! Cause I'm about to lose my shit Isabel!" Campbell spat as he paced the hall.

"Campbell I get your upset-" she started as Campbell interrupted.

"Upset? Upset?! I think your underestimating how upset I am- I am livid Isabel! I'm a ball of unchained fury- I'm like a fucking Forrest fire Isabel!" Every word Campbell said was aimed and fired like a gun, laced with poison, hissing venom.

"Eddie- tell her she can't do this!" He looked to him as a sort of saviour.

"I'm sorry Campbell but I think it do you good- I might still be angry but I'm pro keeping Campbell Bain out the radio station for a week." Eddie stated and sat on where he spoke.

Campbell groaned tugging his hair as he went to storm off but looped back round. He was like an erratic lion not so effectively stalking its prey.

"Can I at least still speak to Joe?" He asked like he was calm but oh the storm was just whirl-winding in his chest, he was just holding onto dear life with an ounce of hope.
"You may not speak to him, stand next to him, eat with him, play with him- like literally anything you can think of you can not do with Joe until the week is up." She stated while Campbell was clenching his fist, I gulped staring at it as it twitched and trembled. So did his eye for a moment but he took a deep breath in before heading off.

He didn't want to bare much more.

Oh to lose a friend but not by your choice.

"Joe you understand don't you?" Isabel cooed, glaring at me with such sorrowful eyes. I felt bad for her, I bet she hated handing out punishments, it was probably killing her more than it could do to us.

I nodded before separating myself, I walked to my room and just stayed there for the rest of the day.

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