Chapter six

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"The Campbell Bain and Joey Herbert sleepover can commence! So- what'd you wanna do?" He asked me hobbling excitedly onto my bed with crossed legs. I shrugged and joined him, crossing my legs all while clasping my hands.
"I'm happy doing anything you want to do! I'm not bothered honestly!" I said as Campbell groaned falling onto his back.
"Such a boring little answer!" He huffed as I bit my lip glancing down at my hands that were now grasping at my thighs.
"I dOn'T MiNd- Oh No I'll dO AnYThInG!" He mocked as I gulped, I didn't even want to look at him.
"Come on Joey there must be something you'd like to- oh.." he paused, I felt the bed lift and squeak a bit as he moved back up.

"Umm- maybe I do have an idea but we'd have to wait till after lights off and the inspection." He said as I nodded and got up from the bed. I could feel his gaze upon me as I sauntered to the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"It's coco time." I muttered as he awed and got up as well, following me down the hall to grab our cup of delight.


We quietly chuckled as we snuck out of my room and pounded down the halls, the staff had done their inspection so Campbell and I decided to have a little sleepover fun. Roaming the ward, darting behind walls and doors when we spotted Stevie. We eventually made it to the radio station, it was really all Campbells idea, I know it's too late to be playing music so I wasn't entirely sure why he brought me here.

"Snagged this off Eddie before he left." Campbell whispered as he pulled out the key from his pocket unlocking the door.

"Won't he be worried?" I asked as Campbell frowned jiggling the key a bit till it came out the lock and in we entered.
"Worried about what? The key? Nah I don't think so-" he shook his head closing the door behind us.
"What do you have planned? It's too late to be playing music y'know." I sighed as Campbell just smiled sliding off the headphones that hung round his neck.

"I remember Eddie showing me how to set up the headphones to the record player so we can only hear the music through the headphones." Campbell explained fiddling around with a wire and the player.
"Mind sitting on that chair sir Joey." Campbell patted the seat as I obliged and sat down. He scattered to the shelves looking down them soon grabbing one, placing the vinyl on the turntable.

"Ready?" He asked as I nodded, he moved the dial and placed the headphones on me.

Music came soaring through, I smiled gently clutching the edges of the seat.
"West end girl." I whispered as Campbell sighed.
"I know you like the song and I sort of wanted to use it as an apology for making you uncomfortable earlier." He frowned holding his arm as I furrowed my brows with him.
"You don't have to apologise to me Campbell- you were just-" I gulped as I went to reach for his shoulder, I had to pull myself back. Gripping my hand, pulling it to my chest.
That was a close call.

"Just being a dick." He finished my sentence.

I shrugged and we stopped talking, I just sat listening to west end girl as Campbell just stood by the records, looking through them for another vinyl.

My song came to an end, I took the dial off the record and slid the headphones off.

"Keep them on- please." He cooed as I sighed shoving them back on, he came back over with another vinyl, shoving the Pet Shop Boys back into their own packet. He placed the new vinyl on the turntable, gently placing the dial, it was Frank Sinatras greatest hits.

"Good ol' Frankie boy eh!" He smiled as I nodded.

"I know not everyone's a fan of him but y'know-" he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he glanced over at the turntable.
"Do you like him?" I asked as Campbell bit his lip hiding a smile.
"I mean he's alright- like probably not as good as Queen or whatever but y'know he has some good songs and vocals and style and-" Campbell rambled as I just sat and watched him, he was silly.

"I like Frankie boy too." I muttered as Campbell hummed and smiled content with my answer.

"Could I have a listen?" He asked as I nodded and went to take the earphones off, he held my hands before I did so.
"Just raise one of the ends a bit- you don't need to take them off." He gulped as I raised one end of the earphone gently, Campbell leaned in a bit, near my face.

I could feel his breath on my neck, it made my spine shiver.

I held my breath for god knows how long till he pulled away, I quietly released my long due blow and took a quick breath in.

"Frankie's such a good singer man." He muttered sitting down on the floor beside the chair, leaning on it a bit. He was hunched like a shrimp with his legs curled up to his chest, arms hugging them close as he leaned his head on the spine of the chair.

Oh how desperate I was to stroke his head, his dirty locks.

I gulped taking the headphones off and gently plopped them onto Campbells head. He glanced up with big bug eyes, he smiled and quietly thanked me, happily listening to Frankie's greatest hits. I wanted to join him on the floor, beside him, closer to him, I gripped the seat and decided to get up.

As I did the chair moved along with Campbell and the cord.

I gulped as he gripped my leg, so he didn't fall completely but it didn't stop the cord from exiting the player, exposing the music. We both swore, Campbell skidding to his knees, hobbling over like a newly born deer to turn the dial over. I shook, gazing out the glass for any staff rushing over to none avail but it didn't mean none weren't coming over as I heard footsteps slabbing down, echoes growing louder.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry-" I muttered over and over again, crouching down into a small ball.

Campbell managed to stop the record with a heavy sigh, he crawled over towards me rubbing my shoulder, cooing soft words.
"It's fine, it's not your fault, you didn't mean it, we didn't know that would happen-" and other similar things. We ended up cuddling on the floor, Stevie and Isabel turned up with flashlights peering in through the door, Stevie cross while Isabel just looked disappointed.

He opened the door and in both they came.

Stevie hoisted us up as Isabel gently waved him off as he was being rather aggressive with his hands.

"What're you boys doing in here? And how'd you get in here?" She asked as Stevie stood behind her menacingly, arms folded wearing a scowl. We both remained quiet but Campbell slowly held up a key. Isabel sighed.

"I took it off Eddie before he left, I just wanted to apologise to Joe, I'm sorry." Campbell croaked removing the headphones off his head after Isabel took the keys back.
"Well I'm glad your owning up to mistakes Campbell but I'm afraid we'll have to discuss this tomorrow morning. Now both of you to bed please." She said ushering us out. Stevie followed us back to my room as to make sure we wouldn't be up to anymore trouble.

Campbell and I just went to our separate beds, we didn't share another word that night.

We just slept.

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