May Chaos Reign -117-

Start from the beginning

Coughing, Garmadon continued.. again. (How long was this story?) "He told me wise words, and I decided to start being.. good." The doorbell buzzed, and Garmadon ran over to open the door. "It's about time!"

"Uhm.. large pepperoni, pineapple, and cucumber pizza for Garmadon... Garmadon? Is your last name really the same as your first name? Your parents must hate you.." A teen asked, holding a pizza. He looked exhausted, but also kind of spunky.

Garmadon rolled his eyes, taking the box. "Buddy! What happened to your 20 minute guarantee?"

The kid sighed, adjusting his hat. "We're backed up tonight.. Sorry.. Sir..?"

Garmadon nodded, reaching for something -anything- in arms reach, and picked up a video camera. "Here is your tip, have a good day!" He slammed the door shut without an explanation.

Sighing, you grabbed your coin purse out of your pocket, and opened the door back up. "Sorry about him. Here's some extra tip for dealing with it." You replaced the camera in his hands with a few shiny coins of various sizes, before going back inside. "You can't just give away another person's things, Garmadon."

He shrugged, sitting back in the couch and began munching on the couch. "It's the thought that counts." Wasn't that for like.. gift giving? Not people trying to earn an income?

Wu sighed. "I must give credit where credit is due. You've come a long way brother."

"I'll admit, there were times when I had the thought of giving up and just destroying everyone.. but Vinny of NGTV News is teaching me to let go of my anger. Empathy comes from caring, so I am caring for my own little green thing."

Lloyd's eyes widened in shock. "You actually care for me-?"

"What? No, I was talking about my plant, Christofern. I love Christofern, he is the light of my life and I will always be there to care for him." Garmadon laughed, staring to spin around, lost in thought. Maybe he had gone batshit crazy.

Rubbing his face, Lloyd looked annoyed. "Y/n, Master Wu, please don't tell me you're falling for this again? I know my father. He's never going to change." That was.. a little harsh. "We didn't come here to hear about you and your pet fern, father. We came about the newspaper clippings."

You sighed. "Right. How did you know that he was returning?"

"The Overlord? How could I not? I may have trouble understanding empathy, but anger and hatred are simple. I felt them growing all around me. I kept waiting for you to do something, but your little.. predicament got in the way." He responded, going to spray his plant again.

Lloyd rolled his eyes, scoffing. "Which predicament? My basially-older-sister dying? The team falling apart? The fact my body is trying to kill my mind? Also- why didn't you just tell us?!"

Readjusting his helmet, Garmadon slightly slouched. "The fact your Oni side is peeking through. And I just wanted to be left alone, I knew you would come looking for me again, to save your life." He corrected.

"This is ridiculous! What are we even doing here?! He's clearly not going to help! And we don't even need it!" Lloyd yelled beginning to pace.

You sucked your teeth, sighing. "I think we might. With the Overlord and both Harumi returning, and your whole-"


Wu nodded, twisting his staff from side to side. "Yes, she has returned.. how? We are not yet sure."

"Harumi.. hah! My daughter is alive! She is smart, ruthless, brutal.. I see all those things in her that I see in myself! Yet-.. I cannot help others until I have found myself. My true self."

Picking up a grease stained pillow off the couch, Lloyd screamed into it, before regaining his composure. "Okay, continue." He really needed to speak to a therapist again.

"I have taken a vow of non-violence. A farewell to arms you might say." Great. Garmadon, the world's worst dad, was making dad jokes. (You had only noticed now he only had two arms in comparison to the four last time you saw him.)

Picking up the half-full pizza box, Lloyd threw it at Garmadon, laughing. "Well that's just great! Thanks for nothing! Once again, you ruining my life!"

"How could I ruin your life? I wasn't even there!" Garmadon argued back, ignoring the giant beast heading straight for the apartment.

The apartment fell through as the beast ripped through the walls like it were cardboard. Everyone got thrown to the ground, trying to not inhale all the dust. "Well.." You muttered, glancing around. "That was some fucking inconvenience."

Then you heard sobbing. It was Garmadon. He held half a broken pot in his hands, staring out the open window. "Christo- Christofern is dead."

Rolling his eyes, Lloyd stepped up to confront his father again, when Garmadon began to glow a dark purple. His sides swelled as an arm popped out on either side, his teeth grew wider, and it looked as if his whole face had adjusted to a slightly more 'Oni' feel. Light gray horns sprouted out his head, and the final touch was long, silky wings sprouting out his bag. He went through an entire magical girl transformation over a fern.

He leapt down, and just began beating up the Crystal Warriors... And succeeding.

"The warriors.. They're not immune to his Oni Form.." Wu mumbled, looking from Lloyd to you, then back to Lloyd. He wasn't..? He wasn't thinking what you thought he was thinking, right? "Perhaps- perhaps Lloyd-"

Shaking his head, Lloyd scoffed. "No- no you can't be serious! Getting rid of that thing is half the reason we're in this mess. I'm not going to let myself be killed by that ugly- hideous monster.. I'm not letting it kill me."

Biting your lip, you watched the warriors shatter below. "It's been our goal for 6 months now.. But you transforming might be the only thing between survival and the end of the world."

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