Семь (7)

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Katia woke to the burning sensation on her arm. She'd felt that burn countless of times before, but she didn't think she'd ever get used to it. She was just glad that she was now out of the Dark Lord's clutches and no longer needed to respond to his call.

With each passing second it seemed to get worse. She felt as if something was crawling under her skin and trying to burst out. The pain was so severe that the girl almost lost consciousness. She was certain that the Dark Lord was purposefully making her suffer, he didn't like traitors.

It took a long time before the pain finally subsided.

It took even longer for her to get her breath back and crawl out of bed.

Katia felt drained, each moment she made was slow and her entire body ached. She could feel sweat tripping down her forehead.

The girl got in the shower hoping that hot water would ease her discomfort at least somewhat. But it only made everything worse. The moment the water touched her left forearm she let out a scream and stumbled back. It felt like burning metal against her skin. She slid down the wall next to the shower, dropping her head on her knees.

She wanted to cry, but no tears escaped her eyes. She was tired. She didn't have the strength to deal with anything anymore. Katia just wanted to die.

But her wish was not granted and she slowly pushed herself up, getting back in the shower. The water still hurt her arm, but it was nothing compared to the scorching sensation from before.

Once she had wrapped her arm with gauze, put her clothes on and gotten her bag, she looked at the clock and realised that she had missed breakfast. And she was late to her first lesson. But she felt that she didn't care, she was more advanced in every class than the rest of her peers anyway, it wasn't like she had missed anything important. So she didn't rush to her Charms lesson.

When she got there and opened the door she had to duck immediately. A goblet went flying just over her head and into the empty corridor, clattering against the stone wall.


She looked around the room to see who was to blame for nearly knocking her in the head with the goblet. She wasn't very surprised when she saw James Potter laughing loudly, of course it had been him.

"Ms. Yakushkina, glad to see that you decided to join us after all," said Professor Flitwick, "you can take a seat nest to Mr. Potter."

Katia closed the door with a slam and a roll of her eyes. That was the last thing she needed, her morning has been terrible enough.

"Мудак," she muttered under her breath as she took seat next to him.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

Katia sighed at him, trying to not kick him.

"I said, мудак, though I doubt you know what it means," she gave him a condescending smile and opened her book to start her work.

"Well, enlighten me then."

She really did want to smack him.

"No, thank you."

She had hoped that would end the conversation and she would be left in peace, but of course not, she was next to James Potter after all.

"Come on! Tell me! You have me intrigued now."

"It means shithead."

"Well, that's rude."

"Great deduction, Sherlock, I wasn't trying to be nice."

"What's Sherlock?"

She didn't respond, instead she put her elbow on the table and her head on her hand, turning her back to the boy and starting to read the chapter on the Oppugno jinx.

But James wasn't deterred, he started ripping his parchment into small pieces and folding them into balls, throwing them at Katia's back. She was growing increasingly agitated, but held herself back and acted as though nothing was bothering her.

When the boy realised that she wouldn't react, he took out his wand and pointed it at her hair, whispering "Crinus Muto". Her hair was now choppy and bright red. But the Slytherin did nothing, but wave her wand, turning her hair back to the dark brown and sleek look it had been seconds before.

She let out a sigh of relief when she heard the bell ring and quickly gathered her things, walking away as fast as she could from the annoying boy.

Katia was relieved when she saw Lily Evans walk towards her with a small smile on her face as a greeting.

"I'm sorry you had to sit with Potter—"

And speak of the Devil.

"Lily Flower! Go out with me this Saturday!"

"You know the answer is no, can't you get it through your thick skull that I don't like you?"

"Aw, no need to insult me like that, my dear. Clearly that snake is bad influence on you, why are you talking to her anyway?"

"She happens to be my friend, Potter."

"Why do you feel the need to make friends with those slimy Slytherins? They don't deserve someone as good as you, Lily."

"And why do you feel the need to insult my friends all the time? After five years I would think even you'd realise that there isn't the slightest chance of me going out with you if you continue to insult and torment them. Come on, Katia," she took the girl's arm and marched away from the Gryffindor boy, her face red with anger. Katia could've sworn she saw smoke coming from her ears.

The Slytherin wanted to ask about the relationship between the two Gryffindors, but chose to keep quiet. She didn't want to upset Lily even more.

The redhead didn't let go of her arm until they were sitting in the front row in the Potions classroom. Thankfully the troublesome James Potter sat with his friends at the back of the class. Katia let out a sigh of relief after seeing that. Thankful that she didn't have to endure the boy during double Potions.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter, but oh well, whatever. It's good enough I guess.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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