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To Ekaterina's luck the man she ran into took her to her destination and the person she needed to see.

To the Headmaster's office and to Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore wasn't at all surprised to see her. Ekaterina's brother had sent a short letter to Dumbledore saying that his sister Ekaterina Petrova was likely to arrive in the next hour or two. And he had been right.

So Dumbledore warmly greeted the girl the moment Argus Filch stepped into his office with her.

"Thank you, Argus, I believe our guest got lost in the castle."

Filch nodded with a grumpy expression and stepped out of the office. The man was obviously disappointed that it hadn't been a student. Which the girl found very disturbing and confusing as the students hadn't yet started the new school year. But she shook her head, it wasn't worth to concern herself over it.

"Welcome, Ekaterina."

Ekaterina was confused as to how the professor knew her name, but masked it well. She had heard that the man was apparently all knowing.

"Professor," she greeted him with a light Russian accent.

"I believe you have an idea of why I am here."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement and gestured to a chair in front of his desk for the young girl to sit.

"You have run away from home."

"That wasn't my home."

There was very obvious tension in the air, but neither pointed it out nor tried to diffuse it.

"But you are correct. I ran away. I was forced into things I did not want to be apart of. I was hoping I could start anew here."

"What were you forced into?"

Flashes of her past came into mind. Her mother dying to protect her, her father forcing her to practice the dark arts, going on missions with her father, meeting the man behind it all, being forced to attend a school focused on everything she wanted to fight against. She was surprised as to how she had been blind to it all for such a long time.

"I do not wish to think of that."

"Of course. Am I correct in assuming you have come here to get protection?"

Even though Ekaterina didn't want to call it that she still nodded.

"Well, first you would need a new name. If you stay here under your real name I'm afraid it would be rather easy to find you."

"Katia Yakushkina."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at her.

"I need a name I would still react to and not forget. I would react to those names."

Dumbledore studied her for a moment, but then nodded.

"And why would you react to those names, may I ask?"

"Katia is my nickname. Only three people ever used it. And Yakushkina is my mother's maiden name."

"I once taught a girl with the same last name,"

Before Dumbledore could continue Katia cut him off.

"Yelena. My great aunt. She's the one who told me about Hogwarts. My father never liked to talk about any school besides Koldovstorits. Only talked of Hogwarts when it included the club he was in."

"Ah yes, the Knights of Walpurgis I believe they were called."

Katia scrunched up her nose. She never liked when the group was mentioned. It was nothing good.

"Well, you would need a place to live and I believe I know a few people who would be willing to take you in."

At this Katia immediately shook her head. She didn't want to put anyone in danger.

"No professor. I can find a place for myself. I just came here to ask you for a spot as a student. I don't want to put anyone in danger."

Dumbledore smiled ever so slightly. This girl would be much help in the coming years.

"No need to worry, Katia. I'm sure they would gladly take you in. Your great aunt got along with them very well. And the time we live in puts everyone in danger."

Katia recognized the tone as final and didn't bother trying to change his mind. She just watched as he produced a Phoenix patronus and ordered it to carry a message to someone.

As they waited for a response, Dumbledore continued with whatever he was doing before Katia's arrival and Katia studied the room around her.

His office was very grand. The ceilings were high and made her feel small. The walls were lined with portraits and cabinets. The cabinets were filled with very unusual objects. And in the corner of the room she could see a pensive.

But Katia's interest was soon picked by a patronus flying into the room. This time instead of a phoenix, it was a hummingbird.

"We would love to, Albus. You can send her over tonight. We'll get a room ready for her."

The voice was mild and sweet. It reminded Katia of her mother. She missed her immensely. But like always, her thoughts of her mother's kindness were disrupted by the image of her falling to the ground, no longer breathing.

Katia shook that thought out of her head and followed the Headmaster to the large fireplace decorated in gold and teal.

Instead of giving her the floo powder, he dumped it into the fireplace himself, mumbling something, making green flames erupt on the bottom of it.

"Like I already said, they were friends with you great aunt so they might ask a few questions. But they don't know about your past and I think we can both agree it's better that way."

"I will send the letter with the list of your school supplies tomorrow. I'm certain the family taking care of you will be happy to help you buy them. I'll be sure to send someone to tell you about the school on the train ride here. We'll sort you into your house before the opening feast," he explained.

"But for now I suggest you rest."

Dumbledore smiled and walked back to his desk, resuming his work.

"Thank you, Headmaster."

Dumbledore didn't reply, but just nodded his head.

Katia took a breath and stepped into the flames with her trunk.

When she emerged from the fireplace she was met with a living room. It was a very large living room filled with a lot of furniture. Most of the furniture being bookcases and chairs. It looked like a wealthy living space. But not the same wealthy as the house Katia had lived in near Belfast. No, this wealth was comforting and homey, not cold and frightening.

From a doorway an elderly couple appeared. Both of them wearing sweet smiles.

"Hello, dear, you must be Katia."

When the woman got a small nod in reply she introduced herself.

"I'm Euphemia Potter, and this is my husband Fleamont."

Are we even surprised that she ended up with the Potters?

They sure love to adopt emotionally scarred purebloods into their family.

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