Chapter 3

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As Gothalia, Anton, and Danteus reached the Cetatea, the majestic Capitol where the Grand Elders held their reign, a wave of anxiety washed over Gothalia as she emerged from the car parked in one of the numerous lots. Her eyes briefly caught sight of the family emblem adorning the vehicle before she firmly shut the door and ensured it was securely locked, leaving behind the source of power that once connected her to her élanocytes. With determination in her stride, she joined Danteus and Anton on the main path leading towards the heavily guarded building, where Centurion Peacekeepers and Cratians stood watch.

The vigilant guards closely observed their ascent up the lengthy stairs. Just as they were about to proceed, one of the guards raised his hand, signalling them to halt. Gothalia obediently handed over her identification card, in which the guard swiftly examined. A moment later, the device on his wrist verified Gothalia's identity, confirming her authenticity. Satisfied, the guards granted Gothalia and her companions permission to enter the premises.

Their figures were mirrored on the polished black marble floor, amplifying the sound of their footsteps as they traversed the grand hallway. People from various divisions hurriedly passed by, engrossed in their own tasks. Gothalia approached the reception desk, where a meticulously groomed woman with blond hair sat, diligently typing away at her computer. Without bothering to glance up at any of them, she posed her query. "May I help you?"

"I've been summoned." Without hesitation, Gothalia swiftly addressed the woman's inquiry, reaching out to hand over the same identification card she had just shown to the Peacekeeper. Graciously, the woman accepted the card and discreetly slid it into a concealed device nestled behind the counter. Suddenly, the device burst to life, emanating a brilliant hue of green, while the screen unveiled a wealth of intricate details about Gothalia's summoner, the appointed time, and the purpose behind her visit. The woman's eyes widened in astonishment as she absorbed the captivating information laid out before her.

"Have you chosen your station yet?" she asked Gothalia.

"I have." Gothalia provided a concise response, while Danteus and Anton exchanged a meaningful glance. The woman returned Gothalia's card and instructed her to proceed into the hall. However, she swiftly added that Danteus and Anton were not permitted to accompany her.

"But-" Anton began wanting to argue with the receptionist.

"I'll be fine." Gothalia urged. "Danteus."

Danteus swiftly positioned himself in front of Anton, guiding him towards the chairs situated to the side. As Anton settled down, Gothalia embarked on her journey through the grand hall. Her eyes fixated on the shimmering silver lines etched into the floor, leading her towards the revered 'Council Chamber'. With each step she took, the bustling crowd gradually thinned, replaced by a vigilant presence of centurions, standing as guardians of the chamber. Finally, she reached the threshold of the Council Chambers, where a formidable line of Peacekeepers stood in formation. Pausing for a moment, she absorbed their stoic expressions and unwavering stances. Aware that their watchful gaze was fuelled by both curiosity and caution, she reminded herself that their protective nature towards the Royal Family and the esteemed Grand Elders was not to be faulted, as L'Eiron had once explained to her.

Inhaling deeply, Gothalia stepped into the grand hall, her strides purposeful as she made her way towards the imposing doors. As she reached her destination, her eyes widened in awe at the intricate golden design adorning the doors, embellished with the emblem of the revered Fire Reserve. A resolute Peacekeeper stepped forward, extending his hand expectantly. Without hesitation, she handed him the familiar identification card, causing his armour to illuminate in a vibrant shade of green. With two deliberate taps of his staff against the ground, a profound silence descended upon the hall. Moments later, a corresponding sound resonated from the other side of the doors, signalling their imminent opening.

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