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1st LAW: 'High élanocyte count utilisers can deflect any energetic attacks from anyone of a lower count or status.'

2nd LAW: 'Only those of the same count or status can re-produce. Usually, determined prior by surnames and blood types.'

3rd LAW: 'All surnames reflect their abilities given to every descendent, with higher élanocyte counts.'

4th LAW: 'Higher counts are more diverse and more powerful. Strong Excelians bare stronger Excelians.'

"Nothing lasts forever, not pain, not security, not suffering. And especially not love."


It was in his cruel expression, she knew he wasn’t kind. His intention—clear. His calculating gaze cold as ice. “Found you.” he whispered, into the stagnant silent air she felt chill her skin. A malevolent smile crept across his face, and his chilling words sent a quiet yet intense shiver down her spine.

He had been searching for her.

Her feet moved on its own, retreating a single step little by little as her heart raced within her chest. A weighty atmosphere enveloped them, pressing down on her like an unspoken menace. The sensation of suffocation gripped her like a vice, as if she had unwittingly stumbled upon a perilous secret, an existence she was never destined to intertwine with.

With a voice dripping in malice, he continued, “You thought you could escape, didn’t you? But no one can hide from me.” His words echoed in the pungent silence, filling the mountainside with an eerie tension. It was clear he had been hunting her, and now that he had found her, there was no turning back.

She mustered up the courage to speak, her voice trembling, “Who are you? What do you want?” Her mind raced, desperately trying to piece together the puzzle that was this enigmatic stranger. Even if, his cunning intentions remained shrouded in darkness, leaving her vulnerable and afraid.

His eyes narrowed, intensifying the icy glare that pierced through her soul. “Oh, my dear, you have something that belongs to me,” he hissed, taking a menacing step forward. The silent valley and motionless river below the cliff seemed to close in around her, trapping her in a web of uncertainty.

Fear gripped her tightly, but she refused to let it consume her. Summoning her inner strength, she squared her shoulders and met his gaze head-on. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have nothing of yours,” she declared, her voice quivering with a mix of defiance and fear. Fear? When did that start?

A wicked grin spread across his face, revealing a glimmer of satisfaction. “You may not realise it yet, but you possess a secret that holds immense power,” he urged, his voice laced with a sinister allure. “And I will stop at nothing to claim it.”

A whirlwind of thoughts raced through her mind, desperately attempting to unravel the enigma that enveloped her. Who was this mysterious man, and what sinister intentions did he harbour towards her? As the fragments of the puzzle slowly aligned, a chilling realisation washed over her—her life was on the precipice of a treacherous transformation, thrusting her into an uncharted realm she had never fathomed.

With a newfound resolve burning within her, she steeled herself for the impending battle. Refusing to succumb to the malevolence of this stranger, she vowed to confront the looming darkness head-on. Her determination surged, fuelled not only by the instinct for self-preservation but also by an unyielding thirst for the truth concealed within her very being. Unbeknownst to her, this fateful encounter would set in motion a series of events that would test her mettle, resilience, and ultimately unveil the depths of her own latent power.

Ignatius-Valdis: Book 0# [Reignited] Where stories live. Discover now