Enclave Soldier Female Reader x President Eden(A Speacial Meeting)

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(Courtesy of your's truly, @HelluvaAuthor)

"Now for one of my inspirational quotes, from the mouth of your president John Henry Eden, straight to your heart. Love is more than just mere attraction, it's pure admiration" President Eden said, the instrumental to "Blood On The Risers" playing after. Y/N was listening to Enclave Radio through her helmet while idly standing on guard above the front gate to Camp Gray, just on the outskirts of the Capital Wasteland. She knew the station was purely for propaganda and moral, but she listened mainly to hear the president's voice. She found it quite soothing. "If only I could meet the president.." Y/N thought, daydreaming a bit. She had a bit of a crush on the president, which unfortunately her comrades at Camp Gray knew, causing them to occasionally make fun of her.

Suddenly Y/N was broken from her thought when she heard a voice next to her say "shift's up Y/N, my turn on gate. I'll come get you in a few hours." "Roger, thanks" Y/N responded and started walking towards the stairs. When Y/N got to the bottom of the stairs she took off her helmet, taking a breath of fresh air. She then started walking through base to get to her tent, resting her helmet on her hip.

As Y/N walked through Camp Gray she saw the usual things happening around camp, target practice, weapon maintenance, chatting, cigarette smoking, etc. "At least I get a few hours away from this" she thought. But just as she thought she was getting away from the stress she heard a mocking voice say "if it isn't Private L/N, have any juicy dreams about the president recently?" Y/N turned to see it was the girl who usually gave her the most shit for no reason, Lisa Palmer. She was stood leaning in her tent door. "Fuck off Lisa, I'm just trying to get to my tent" Y/N responded as she kept walking. "Oh your tent, gonna write in your diary?" Lisa said in a mocking tone again, "no, I'm gonna write a letter back to your folks explaining how you got killed at camp" Y/N whitely replied. "Are you threatening me? Cause I could lay you out right here L/N" Lisa said as she stepped out from her tent and up to Y/N, getting almost an inch from her face. "Back up, or I'll make you" Y/N warned, but Lisa didn't listen, "do it then bitch." So Y/N quickly threw a left hook at Lisa's face, a right hook following it, then she tackled Lisa on the ground. The two scrapped on the ground for a minute, gaining the attention of about a quarter of the camp. The fight was eventually broken up by a voice yelling "hey!" The two stopped fighting on the ground to look over, it was Officer McMillan. "Break it up ladies, or you're both gonna be making cattle runs to New Reno for the next year!" Officer McMillan exclaimed, the two immediately getting to their feet to stand at attention. "So sorry sir" Y/N apologized as the two saluted. "At ease ladies, next time save the aggression for the battlefield yeah?" McMillan said, then walked away. The two stood silently for a moment, then turned to look at each other, "just stay the fuck out of my way alright Lisa" Y/N said and proceeded on to her tent.

Once Y/N got to her tent she put her helmet on her desk then sat down, turning on the lamp at the corner of the desk. She sighed, putting her head down on her desk. "Private L/N" she heard a voice suddenly call behind her, causing her to lift her head and turn in her seat. It was a courier, "I have a message for you from the president himself" he said. This came as a major surprise to Y/N, it made her both extremely nervous and extremely excited. "T-thanks" Y/N said, taking the holotape. "What could it be? Why would President Eden send me a message?" All the possibilities of what could be on the holotape ran through her mind. She put the holotape in her terminal on her desk, then hit play.

"Hello Y/N, this is President Eden. I'm inviting you to come see me at the Raven Rock base in the Capital Wasteland. We have some rather important matters to discuss. I...hope to see you soon"

The message ended as quick as it started.

"Holy shit, holy shit. I'm actually gonna meet the president!" Y/N thought excitedly, a big smile running across her face. She shut off her lamp, grabbed her helmet and proceeded to leave her tent.

Y/N reported to the command tent to tell one of the officers about her mission, conveniently Officer McMillan was to her right on a terminal. "Officer McMillan sir, I've been given this holotape by the president himself and wish to answer his call" Y/N said, handing the holotape to Officer McMillan. He put the holotape in the terminal, giving it a listen. "Well, I guess if the President wants to see you it must be important" Officer McMillan said as he took his headphones off, "you're free to leave, just try not to get yourself killed out there" he continued as he handed Y/N the holotape back. "Thank you sir, I'll be back as soon as possible" Y/N responded.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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