Let Fate Take Its Course

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When he was told there was nothing he could do, there was seriously nothing he could really do.

Randy Orton was afraid, he was pacing back and forth in the busy hallways of the Hospital, and he could hear all the announcements through the speakers of each corner of the ceiling - he probably could remember the names of each Doctor in the Hospital as he'd been there for more than six hours. The numbers, one and four, were imprinted boldly at the door he'd waited to open, and a few of his co-workers visited and stayed with him for at least an hour before they left to continue with work. Vince, Shane and Stephanie even took the time from their busy schedules to hold press conferences to sort out the media and clear the rumours that scattered about since the news of the accident broke out, and there were a few police investigations that they all took part of in order to find out who was really at fault. But when Randy sat down with the police, he could describe everything in detail on what he saw, the detailed description of Jordan and the man who revved his car into Allie.

"Mr Orton?"

The Doctor walked out of the room wearing his blue scrubs, the tag on his chest read, Dr M. Luis, and he tugged his mask down from his face to expose his face, and he was probably younger than most of the doctors that prowled around the halls, but then he seemed to be the only man whose hands held the life of the woman that Randy wanted the most. The Doctor cleared his throat as he stared down at the papers he grasped onto, Randy just stared at the Doctor waiting for a response, and it was a while before the Doctor opened his parched, dry lips and said, "Well, you have been the only one waiting here for her for a very long time, and we've contacted her Parents, but they cannot catch a flight until tomorrow morning. So what is your relation to Ms Allison Mahoney?"

Randy nearly choked out 'ex-husband', but instead answered, "Close male friend."

The Doctor then followed the question with; "So, in other words, you are actually her boyfriend... Okay, well then I guess that answered my other question, but did you know that Allison was three months and two weeks pregnant?"

"With my... My child...?" Randy muttered, the Doctor nodded and realized the answer to his question once more. Randy clearly did not know about the pregnancy, that was the second time he didn't know about a child, and the pregnancy was his second child too.

Was that why Allie really wanted to run away again? Was she planning to raise another child and be a Parent to two of their children without him?

No way was he going to let her get away with that - not again.

"On another note," Doctor Luis continued, "Allison fractured three ribs and sprained her right ankle, and she needed to get stitches done on her right arm caused by the shards of glass from the car's head light. Allison only has a few cuts on her face, but other than that, she is fine."

"What about the baby?" Randy quickly asked. That was the first thing he had in his mind, he wanted to be a Father, and that time, he wanted to be there for Allie when the child was born. He actually owed her that, and he owed his life to her especially when she went through childbirth and the few years of Motherhood without him playing the role as a Father to their first child.

The Doctor looked down at his paperwork and he flipped through two pages and nodded. "Surprisingly, the impact did not harm your unborn child. I guess you have a miracle baby on board," Doctor Luis smiled as well as Randy, the two shook hands before the wrestler quickly rushed inside the room to find a few wires connected to Allie as she lay on the bed in tears. His smile slightly faded as he walked in front of her, they were staring at each other, eye to eye.

"I'm guessing he told you that I'm pregnant." Allie slightly laughed as she adjusted herself to sit up, she released a groan before she added, "I wanted to tell you, I really did, but I didn't know how to say it and I don't know what to do. What do you think we should do?"

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