Chapter 13: Empty Closures

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Wandering students at Kaneshon stopped by at the Dorm complex. Students are blocked off from the police tape and are tasked to not take any photos or interfere within the scene. No one didn't follow the rules. Everything became a hot topic in the night.

Iteijyu sits down on a nearby bench while Officer Shidan talks to the commander in chief of Kaneshon. He calls Mabaru the more he worries about him. He remembers what happened. He was taking a walk to the biology department and briefly saw Mabaru run away from a distance. At first, he was confused until he discerned his look—someone was chasing him. He tried to apprehend the person but he wasn't strong enough.

Officer Shidan walks to the group who stayed for the commotion. He has his notepad on him to record any witness accounts. All of them told them what they heard and were all inside watching from their windows. He puts his notepad in his pocket and finds Iteijyu.

"Iteijyu. Hey man. It's good to see you again." Shidan talks casually to him. Despite his police officer appearance, he's still his gymmate by heart.

"Shidan, it's so weird seeing you like this. When did you act tough?"

"Training. Those two months taught me how to be serious with this kind of thing. Now that I'm the 'leader' of this crime, I have to do what I can to protect you guys. As far as I know, all the exits have been blocked."

"Have you seen Mabaru? My friend?"

"Him? I don't think so. One of my men mentioned they found someone in distress but I don't really know. It could be him." Shidan receives a dispatch call and has to answer it immediately.

"I gotta take this. Stay here for the meantime." Shidan runs through the field and talks to his group.

"Okay..." Iteijyu sighs, waiting for something from his friends, Mabaru, or anyone to answer him. At the last second he closes his eyes, Mabaru shows up with an officer next to him.

"Iteijyu!" Mabaru yells at him. He runs to him quickly.

"Mabaru! You're here!" They both hug each other as they meet.

"I found him inside of the student plaza hiding and he told me what happened. We just relayed it back to Officer Shidan." The officer summarizes to Iteijyu. His arms are crossed with a straight look.

"Officer. Thank you so much." Iteijyu apologetically thanks him.

"It's our job. We have to. I'm going to convene with your friend so stay put. We'll get some extra help when needed." The officer meets up with Shidan.

"Hey Mabaru. What happened? What exactly happened after your class?" Iteijyu asks slowly.

"I don't know. I already told the officer everything. It happened suddenly. I met up with Eiji and then I saw him again and met up. I found his planner so I wanted to return it back. I followed the address until I saw a group of men talking and one of them found me. I struggled until I fought back. I-I didn't know what I should've done. So I ran as far as I could. I remember someone stopping that guy but I just couldn't face him. I didn't know who stopped him."

"...I was involved too. I got hurt. That guy was strong. Guess I'm not a good boxer after all."

"Don't say that. You did what you could. We didn't know what to do."

"Yeah, you're right. Wish we could've known better."

"In the end, we're here together. I hope some of our friends are okay. Can't believe all this happened on a single day like this?"

"I know. It sucks."

"Iteijyu! Mabaru!" Someone yells out while running towards them

"Oh Eiji! What are you doing here? You better explain!" Mabaru angrily squints his eyes in distress.

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