Chapter 12: Hidden Night

Start from the beginning

"Something wrong?" a female tanuki student with a plain shirt and jeans asks him while they walk together.

"Huh? Nothing. Just kind of worried." Iteijyu glances away at the window.

"We all are. I have never worked in such a clean space before."

"You sound pretty cool. I'm Iteijyu Kasai."

"Nice to meet you. Kara Mitsuki. I got into this major because I used to help my dad out with broken tablets and we managed to fix them all."

"No way, that's awesome! I helped my dad fix a power outage and I learned on my own how to fix my old laptop!" Iteijyu chuckles.

"Looks like you got some experience!" Kara smiles.

The cohort group stops and hears the electrician explaining the room. The field instructor clears his throat. "This is the experiment lab where we troubleshoot all equipment inside. There are individual chairs around the room so take any seat you want."


Mabaru gets out of his Biology class while walking to the library. It is afternoon so he has a couple of hours until he starts his lab in the evening. He orders a medium sized iced coffee while walking to the second floor. He spreads out his belongings with his books and boots up his laptop. His screen consists of different school tabs to organize articles and websites for his assignments.

"Alright, let's get to work. Or maybe, I could check on what Kazu's doing. Haven't heard of him for a while." Mabaru procrastinates and opens up his group chat on his screen. Coincidentally, Kazu arrives on time.

"YOO!" a slam reverberates the table.

"Ah! Dude, what the hell?! You made me spill my coffee!" Mabaru agonizes.

"Yeah for real what the hell was that for? We're in a library." Hisoki sternly asks.

"Relaaaaax, it wasn't that bad." Kazu smothers carelessly.

"'Bad' he says." Kin points out.

"It's okay. I didn't spill much, I think? Anyway, it's nice seeing you all again. I'm sorry Iteijyu and I haven't been hanging out often."

"You said that like two times. It's fine, we know you guys are busy. How's the first day?" Kin asks.

"Going great so far. I'm planning to meet with the same guy. The one who dorms with his sister."

"Hold on. He sounds familiar. I didn't think I caught his name yesterday. What's his name?" Kin asks again.

"Eiji Numeita."

"Eiji? I know him! He's the guy we've been researching about Ookami! We normally hang out when he's available."

"I want to see him. He sounds mysterious the way you described him, Kin. But, we're all busy with school. I hate it." Hisoki drops his head in disappointment.

"I know. I guess it's probably why we don't hang out as often as before."

"I'm pretty sure at least we all got someone to be." Kazu brightens the mood.

"Not everyone does..." Mabaru murmurs to himself.

"You said something?" Hisoki calls out.

"It's just. I noticed something about Iteijyu. I'm kinda worried. What should I do?"

"Hm. I think you need to tell him you're worried. He's done so much for you that maybe he needs an extra push too. You're his friend." Kin replies.

"That... is one of the most heartfelt things you have said Kin." Kazu notices.

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